Paraphrasing and Summarizing Tool

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Summarized text
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% of the original

    Academic writing often involves analyzing loads of information from multiple sources. This Paraphrasing-and-Summarizing tool will help you create summaries in a few clicks to speed up your work.

    How to use this summarizer?
    Copy-paste the text
    Add summary length
    Press β€œSummarize”

    Just take the 3 steps above to get an excellent summary that fits into your requirements!

    πŸ’­ How to Use Our Paraphrasing and Summarizing Tool

    1. Copy the text. Make sure it does not exceed 15,000 characters.
    2. Paste the text into the tool field. After that, you can select the number of sentences in your summary.
    3. Click on the button and get the result. Once you press the button, the tool will process the text and generate a summary based on your specifications.
    4. Proofread the result if you want to use it in academic writing. Check for any grammatical errors, awkward phrasings, or inconsistencies.

    πŸ€” Paraphrasing Vs. Summarizing

    Summarizing Paraphrasing
    Definition A brief restatement of the key ideas of a text in fewer words, retaining the key points and omitting details. Rewriting a text in your own words while retaining the original meaning and conveying the same information.
    When is it used? When you want to concisely overview a longer text, condense information, or highlight the main ideas. When you want to rephrase a text to avoid plagiarism, clarify complex language, or present information in a different style or tone.
    What do you need
    to do?
    Read the original text carefully, identify the main ideas, and create a shorter version without changing the meaning. Avoid including irrelevant details or personal opinions. Understand the original text's meaning, use different words and sentence structures to convey the same thoughts, and attribute any ideas or information that are not your own.
    What does the
    process involve?
    Summarizing requires condensing the text into a shorter version, often resulting in a reduced word count compared to the original text. Paraphrasing involves rephrasing the text using your own words. But it should still keep the same meaning as the original text. Paraphrasing can also help avoid plagiarism by giving credit to the source through citations or references.

    Paraphrase and Summary Generator Examples

    Original: The use of social media has become increasingly popular and essential in today's globalized world. People use social media for various economic, social, and political reasons. However, the main reason for engaging in social media for most people is to satisfy their desire for connectedness.

    • Summarized Paragraph: In Social Media's Influence on American Culture, the writer states that social media is widely used for economic, social, and political purposes, but its main appeal for most people is to fulfill their desire for connectedness.
    • Rephrased Paragraph: In today's globalized world, social media has gained immense popularity and significance. People utilize social media for different purposes, ranging from economic and political to social. However, the primary motivation for most individuals to engage in social media is to fulfill their inner need for connectedness.

    As you see, the summarized passage is much shorter than the paraphrased one. It includes only the main points, while the paraphrased passage conveys more details and additional information.

    πŸ“‹ How to Summarize a Paragraph – 3 Steps

    You can always use our tool to summarize fast. But if you want to create a summary manually, here's a guide for you!

    #1 Read and Understand the Paragraph

    This step involves carefully reading and comprehending the original paragraph. It's essential to grasp the text's main ideas, supporting details, and context to create a summary. You might need to do it more than once. It's totally fine.

    Tip: You can also divide the text into smaller pieces to simplify the process. Read about one or two paragraphs at a time to fully catch the author's main ideas.

    #2 Make a List of Main Points

    After reading the paragraph, list the main points or key ideas the author tries to convey. These may include important concepts, arguments, or evidence presented in the text. Avoid including minor details or examples to keep the summary concise and focused.

    Tip: Make about one to three short notes per paragraph. It should be enough to highlight the main ideas without being too wordy.

    #3 Write Your Summary

    Based on the list of main points, start crafting your summarized passage. Use your own words to restate the main ideas. Keep the summary brief, focus on the most significant moments, and omit unnecessary details. Avoid copying the original text.

    Tip: Start from the end to perceive the original piece from a new angle. This will help to focus on the key thoughts and produce an authentic summary.

    πŸ’‘ Why Is Summarizing Important?

    Here are the main functions of summarizing that are useful to students.

    ❗ Only important information Summarizing helps to shorten lengthy texts, such as research articles, reports, or academic papers, into shorter versions. It allows readers to quickly understand the text without reviewing the entire content.
    ❎ No plagiarism Summarizing helps writers to avoid plagiarism by presenting the ideas of the original text in their own words. It helps avoid potential plagiarism issues, a serious concern in academic writing.
    πŸ’Ύ Efficient information storage Summarizing allows writers to create reviews of multiple texts, which can be used for reference, review, or comparison purposes. It helps in managing and organizing a large amount of information effectively. It enables writers to quickly retrieve and use critical points in their writing.
    πŸ‘€ Different perspectives Summarizing synthesizes information from multiple sources with different viewpoints. It can help writers compare and contrast ideas, arguments, or evidence from various sources. In summary, writers can provide a balanced representation of different perspectives.
    ✍️ Writing skills boost Summarizing is a valuable skill that helps students master critical thinking, analytical, and writing skills. It requires identifying the main ideas, synthesizing information, and conveying their thoughts. Summarizing can improve your ability to communicate complex ideas effectively.

    ❓ Summarizer and Paraphraser FAQ

    Summarizing is the process of condensing a longer text into a shorter version. It aims to keep the main ideas and omit irrelevant details. It involves providing a concise overview of the original text's main points in your own words.

    Paraphrasing is rewriting a text in your own words while conveying the same message as the original. Paraphrasing involves using different words, sentence structures, and phrasing while preserving the ideas of the original text.

    No, paraphrasing and summarizing are not the same. They have some similarities but are still two different processes. Summarizing is about creating a new text that preserves the main ideas of the original one. It usually results in a shorter version of the original text. Paraphrasing means changing the words and sentence structures within a text while retaining the original meaning. A paraphrased text can be shorter, the same, or longer than the original.

    The number of sentences in a text summary varies depending on the complexity and length of the original passage. It also depends on how detailed the resume has to be.

    A summarized passage should be concise and focused, capturing the main ideas of the original. It can range from a single sentence to a few paragraphs. Typically, a summary is reduced to a few sentences or a short paragraph. The key is to provide an overview of the main points without including unnecessary details or examples.

    πŸ”— References