ChatGPT Essay Checker:
A Free Online Tool

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Wondering how to check an essay for ChatGPT? Take the 3 steps below:

How to use this ChatGPT checker?
Copy-paste the essay
Add its topic
Follow the prompts

Try our free ChatGPT essay checker and get an excellent result!

ChatGPT is a valuable learning tool that can foster creativity and improve student achievement if used responsibly. However, some students turn to it to cheat on their writing assignments. For this reason, teachers have become suspicious when checking student papers.

To help students avoid false accusations of cheating and ensure their content is AI-free, we’ve developed our ChatGPT Essay Checker.

✅ How to Check Essay for ChatGPT?

Our Chat GPT Essay Checker is easy to use and navigate! Follow the steps below to receive the result in just a few seconds:

  1. Enter the text. Type or paste the text into the appropriate field of our online AI writing checker.
  2. Add a topic or description. Briefly describe what your text is about to help the tool comprehend the context and produce a more accurate result.
  3. Press the button. Click on the button “Check the text” and wait a bit.
  4. Check the result. Analyze the output to see whether the text looks like generated by AI.

📊 Chat GPT Essay Checker: Interpreting the Result

Our AI detector analyzes the provided text and delivers the result using the color-coding system. You’ll see a histogram with 4 colors, each with its meaning.

Green highlights words most likely used by AI
Yellow represents terms commonly used by ChatGPT
Red indicates words that are less likely to be generated by the chatbot
Violet marks terms that are least likely to be used by AI tools

The more purple and red words you see, the less likely the text is AI-generated.

You’ll also see another chart called the fraction of probability. It shows the ratio between probabilities of the most likely word in the given context and the following word. Words with a fraction of probability of 0.1 are rare in this context, while a fraction of probability of 0.9 marks highly predictable words. An AI-generated text is likely to have many words with a fraction of probability of 0.9 (marked in darker green).

Under the chart, you’ll also find your text with words highlighted in different colors. You can click on each word to learn how predictable it is in that context and what synonyms you can use to replace it.

📝 How to Use Chat GPT to Write an Essay?

We do not advise using ChatGPT to write a complete essay. Passing the AI work off as your own is plagiarism, and you will not get any benefit from it. However, there are a few responsible ways of using artificial intelligence in your favor. Check them out below!

Brainstorm Essay Ideas

Before writing an essay, you should determine what to discuss in it. This is where ChatGPT can help. All you have to do is enter the assignment prompt, and ChatGPT will do the rest. Within seconds, the chatbot can provide an essay title and possible ideas to include in your paper.

Create an Outline

Once you have chosen a topic, start thinking about what you want to include in your essay. Just tell the ChatGPT your essay title and ask to create an outline. Voila — in a few seconds, the chatbot will produce a comprehensive paper layout with essential points to include.

Generate Essay Hooks

ChatGPT can help you create engaging and intriguing hooks. Research your topic and give the chatbot some relevant data to work with — and ChatGPT will provide you with hook options. The only issue is that AI cannot add emotions to its texts. Thus, you need to adjust the tone of the hook to make it fit your writing purpose.

Find Sources

ChatGPT can assist you in finding sources for your essay. Ask the chatbot to give you references related to your topic, and it will provide a list of relevant books and articles. However, remember that ChatGPT cannot access the information published after 2021. Another drawback is that the chatbot can suggest non-existent or improperly cited sources, so you should carefully examine each reference it offers.

Edit Your Essay

You can use ChatGPT’s writing capabilities to revise your essay. The tool is excellent at correcting spelling, grammar, and lexical mistakes, paraphrasing, and removing redundant information. However, ChatGPT cannot verify facts and check whether your thought flow is coherent and logical. Therefore, do not delegate the entire editing process to the chatbot.

⚖️ Using ChatGPT for Essay Writing: Pros and Cons

As with any technology, there are both pros and cons to using ChatGPT for essay writing. Look at the table below to gain more insights!

Pros Cons
✅ It can help you write essays more quickly and more efficiently. ❌ You should double-check anything generated by ChatGPT to ensure it is accurate and true.
✅ It gives you inspiration and a way to overcome writer’s block. ❌ It can sometimes be biased because of the data it was trained on.
✅ It can help you come up with essay ideas and structure. ❌ It might take time to learn to write your prompts correctly so that ChatGPT understands what you need.
✅ You can use it to polish and edit your writing. ❌ When using ChatGPT, beware of plagiarism, which can result in severe consequences.

💡 Why Use the ChatGPT Essay Checker?

Now that you know more about ChatGPT Essay Checker, you might wonder what you can use it for:

  • Students can use our tool to check whether their essays look AI-generated. The Chat GPT Paper Checker will help you avoid plagiarism and be 100% sure of your work!
  • Teachers can utilize the AI checker to inspect student essays suspected of being written by AI.

But you still need to remember that the tool only shows the probability, and it is up to you to decide whether the text is AI-generated.

🙂 Chat GPT Paper Checker: Benefits

Our Chat GPT Essay Checker has numerous benefits for both students and teachers! Check out some of them below:

  • It provides a detailed analysis. The AI essay checker examines the language used in the text and shows color-coded information about each word.
  • It helps improve the essay quality. You can see where your essay looks too predictable and make some adjustments to improve its quality.
  • It suggests synonyms. If you click on the highlighted word in the text, you can find synonyms you can use to make your essay well-written.
  • It works without charge. You can check an unlimited number of texts for free.
  • It has a straightforward interface. You do not have to be tech-savvy to use ChatGPT Essay Checker since it is easy to use and navigate.

❓ Chat GPT Essay Checker: FAQ

AI writing detectors identify AI content by predicting the most common word in a given context. They look at the text to the left of a particular word and determine how likely this word is to appear next. If the content has many highly predictable words, there is a high chance it is AI-generated.

You can use our ChatGPT Essay Checker; the results will not keep you waiting! There are only 4 simple steps that you should take:

  • Paste the text.
  • Add the description.
  • Click the button.
  • Reap the results.

Try it right now to see how everything works!

No, ordinary plagiarism checkers without AI text recognition cannot detect text generated by ChatGPT. Although the chatbot can use other people’s ideas without attribution, it does not quote them word by word. So, technically, AI texts are unique, and they can pass the plagiarism check successfully.

🔗 References