Changes in Public Health as a Result of Policies

Quality health services should be made accessible to all. In the society there are quite a number of obstacles to the process of accessing health care. Some of these obstacles are self induced while others are as a result of ineffective government policies (Kristen, 2009). Making the service free to all yet the quality being offered is poor is tantamount to having none at all. It is therefore important that the government should investigate the issues that hinder free access to health services and make necessary changes.

Economic disparities among people lead to different abilities in accessing healthcare. The society is stratified in classes with one class consisting of people with more economical capabilities while others without these capabilities. Hospitals within the United States operate on this basis. Health services in privately owned hospitals provide services according to the amount of investment the owner has invested in the institution. Some of the most sophisticated health centers that employ the most skilled human resource target the rich. The services are priced at rates that a majority of the middle and low class citizens can not afford. It would be wise if the government enacted regulations that set a minimum quality of health service that every provider should offer (Vogel & Hackler, 2007).

The other factor that affects the access of health services is the availability of the health facilities. The policy which ensures that quality health services are accessible to all should govern the distribution of health centers. While constructing the health centers, the government should put into account the population figures of the region and the pattern it takes when increasing (Herrenkohl, 2005). The increase is irregular and relative from region to region. The government should conduct effective census of the states and counties after which centers be constructed on the basis of population distribution patterns (Michael & John, 2000).

The government should implement other subordinate policies that would ensure that all Americans have health insurance. The insurance policy should also cover and provide health care services to accident victims. This must be quality if the individual is to be properly healed. Holding discussions on the class of a hospital that the injured is to be rushed and the mode of payment thereafter before saving life is detrimental. Health insurance provides the peace of mind in such hard times and the bills should be settled by insurance companies (John, 1994). Many Americans have attained the middle class social status and therefore can afford basic healthcare insurance if premiums are made affordable.

Some other factors that have been known to affect the delivery of services in most of institutions in America include discrimination and this is a challenge to all parties involved (Bradley, 2004). The government must out law all acts that portray elements of discrimination and segregation. People should know that all types of discrimination are illegal and one can be prosecuted for committing any kind of discrimination.

It is also an obligation to the populace to discourage all acts that frustrate nationalism (Monika, 2008). Discussions which portray other people as inferior should also be avoided. Making discriminative discussions at times when a person’s life is at risk is unethical and stringent measures should be put in place so that all who are found to be colluding in offering medical services with favoritism of any type are held accountable.


Bradley, E. (2004). Ethnic cleansing: its occurrences and effects, a study of the American segregation. New York; McGraw Hill.

Herrenkohl, R.C. (2005).Child abuse and neglect. Oxford: OUP.

John, H. (1994). Crime and disrepute. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press.

Kristen, S. (2009). No hay mujeres: Latin America women and gender equality. New York; McGraw Hill.

Michael, C., & John, I. (2000). American democracy promotion: impulses, strategies and impacts. Oxford; Oxford University Press.

Monika, E. (2008). Taking stock of democracy. Oxford; Oxford University Press.

Vogel, W., & Hackler, H. (2007). Perceived public stigma and the willingness to seek counseling: the mediating roles of self-stigma and attitudes towards counseling. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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