

“A Look at Terrorist Behavior” Study by Smith

Introduction Terrorists’ behavior involves murder, property destruction, and unleashing social threats (Wilson, 2000). Past empirical research study on terrorism indicates that terrorist groups suffer from trauma right from the infancy stage. They are presumed to have developed fundamental extreme beliefs that strongly impacted their lives and completely changed their perceptions...

Terrorism Technology and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Introduction Weapons of mass destruction are manufactured with biological or chemical elements and are used in the modern terrorism as bioterrorism and they are currently evolving currently and are thought to evolve more in the future if the issue about their limitation in usage is not addressed due to the...

Limiting Terrorist Threats Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction

The attack of 11th September 2001 was a wakeup call for the United States and the rest of the world as well to overhaul their counterterrorism techniques and measures. It resulted to major policy changes and the invasion of Afghanistan. The department of Homeland Security was set up, immigration was...

Terrorist Groups’ Psychological and Sociological Stances

Terrorism… While pronouncing this word, lots of terrible and horrible pictures appear in our mind. But people should remember the most terrible terroristic acts, and more over, these terroristic acts should be studied. Why? – To understand the psychology of people, who plan and act these terrors and as a...

Tenth Anniversary of September 11

Summary The essence of this report is to highlight the crucial steps that the U.S President outlined in the continuation of the war against terrorism during the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The President announced that the killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in May...

Terrorism: Law, Definitions, Typologies

Assessing the difference between terrorism and violent behavior, first of all, it should be noted, that terrorism can be classified as violent behavior, as it is a behavior that produces violence. Nevertheless, terrorism is distinguished from most crimes that fall under the violent behavior category by several criteria. One of...