The Most Important Issues for Academic and Professional Development
The Enhancement of Leadership Capabilities
The first important issue that concerns personal and academic qualities is the enhancement of leadership capabilities. Some people have acquired the necessary qualities due to certain situations in life, but others should develop them from the beginning. At the same time, it is important to avoid prejudices and misinterpretations of the requirements of the leader to achieve maximum effectiveness (Bolman & Deal, 2017). If a person in the future will manage any projects or organizations, then increasing leadership abilities is a vital aspect of work.
The Compassionate Attitude Toward Employees
The second aspect that will be important for better learning and future work is a compassionate attitude toward employees. This aspect can be explored through human management, allowing a deeper understanding of the people to be managed (CBS News, 2017). This can be achieved if the manager puts himself in the place of a person in submission. This approach allows leaders to improve interpersonal relationships in the team and contributes to developing trust between subordinates and superiors.
The third important issue regarding academic enhancement is empathy. Much better results can be achieved with this tool than with the strict control method (Murphy, n. d.). This, as well as the reason above, helps to strengthen relationships in the team and helps employees feel more comfortable at work, knowing that their problems are considered. This skill can greatly help manage a team since it allows not to condemn people but to accept their plight and help them.
Overcoming Global Challenges
The fourth important issue regarding improving management skills and academic knowledge is overcoming global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic. A possible option is to move organizations online to circumvent such crises and upheavals in business and social services more smoothly (SSIR Editors, 2020). This method helps leaders and the company better withstand social and political situations that can harm their organizations.
Analytical Reaction
The first important aspect discussed above is extremely important for any leader. Improving leadership abilities is directly related to the success of the team and the company as a result. This question echoes another equally important theory: a manager should behave like a tile. These theories are similar as they both talk about how important a professional leader is compared to an inexperienced one (Bolman & Deal, 2017). These differences are manifested in the fact that a leader who knows his business will do everything possible to achieve the goal. In addition, the topic of decision-making in the context of popular managerial theories is correlated with the issue of increasing leadership abilities. According to Pagel & Westerfelhaus (2019), decision-making is an integral part of the management process, making this aspect a key indicator of a leader’s success.
Another theme that resonates with the problem of dealing with emergencies like the coronavirus is the notion that women leaders are better at handling such problems. Henley & Ainge (2020) argue that there was a correlation between countries run by women and men, and rates of coronavirus were much lower in female managers. This may be because women took the threat more seriously and took care of security measures for the population in advance.
The next aspect that can be compared to the management of compassion is creating a corporate culture in the team. This management element allows for much more flexible management of employees because, like human management, it implies closer ties with employees (Bolman & Deal, 2017). Strengthening team relationships means a more cohesive team that allows one to quickly complete the organization’s tasks. Similarly, the principle of creating an atmosphere of love and comfort in the workplace can be implemented. According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania (2017), stronger friendships promote mutual support and agreement between team members and the manager. Such management aspects can significantly impact the flow of work and make it more enjoyable.
Bolman, L. & Deal, T. (2017). Chapters 12-14, “Organizational Symbols and Culture,” “Culture in Action,” and, “Organization as Theater,” (pp. 235-294).
Bolman, L. & Deal, T. (2017). Chapters 15-17, “Integrating Frames for Effective Practice,” “Reframing in Action,” and, “Reframing Leadership,” (pp. 295-357).
Bolman, L. & Deal, T. (2017). Chapters 9-11, “Power, Conflict, and Coalition,” “The Manager as Politician,” and, Organizations as Political Arenas and Politi
CBS News (2017). “LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner on compassionate leadership, the importance of protecting ‘Dreamers’” Web.
Henley, J. & Ainge, R. (2020). “Are female leaders more successful at managing the coronavirus crisis?” The Guardian. Web.
Murphy, S. (n. d.). Empathy and Good Business and Brené Brown Empathy. Web.
Pagel, S., & Westerfelhaus, R. (2019). “The Leopard Does Not Change Its Spots”: Structuration Theory and the Process of Managerial Decision-Making Regarding Popular Management Theories. International Journal of Business Communication, 0(0). Web.
SSIR Editors (2020). “SSIR Guide to Resilient Leadership During the COVID-19 Crisis.” Stanford Social Innovation Review. Web.
University of Pennsylvania (2017), “Love Culture: What It Takes to Create a Happy Workplace,” [16:06]. Web.