Health Promotion When You Have Diabetes


Diabetes is one of the adverse health conditions that affect a large number of people and subject them to intense physical and psychological suffering. It is a health condition characterized by the persistence of extremely high levels of glucose in the blood. This disease is becoming common in different parts of the world. The principal cause of diabetes is yet to be identified; risk factors are believed to aggravate the likelihood of developing diabetes (WebMD, LLC, 2015). The condition is not curable, and this subjects patients to long-term suffering. Patients in some situations, for instance, are subjected to intense discrimination due to their condition, especially those who are obese and overweight (National Diabetes Services Scheme, 2010). Some insurance plans do not include persons presenting with diabetes. Numerous campaigns have been conducted with the intent of sensitizing people on the best ways of reducing the risk of diabetes. National and international health-related organizations have been liaising with each other to ensure that effective strategies are implemented place to minimize the cases of diabetes in the community. It is, however, important to note that even though health institutions have implemented the necessary policies to assist in minimizing diabetes, the fight against this condition is far from being won.

Health Promotion of Diabetes

National and international health-related organizations have joined hands to ensure the cases and risk factors to the development of diabetes are managed effectively. The World Health Organization is among the international entities that have been developing policies aimed at tackling diabetes. The mission of Diabetes Health Promotion Policies is to prevent diabetes whenever possible in addition to minimizing the complications associated with this disease (WHO, 2014). This mission is believed to have the capacity to guide maximizing the quality of life of the patients. The first step in the health promotion of diabetes is to identify the major risk factors that lead to this disease. Genetic factors are believed to be the main predisposing factors to diabetes. There is a higher likelihood of developing diabetes if one has relatives with diabetes. The other risk factor is the presence of a health condition that adversely affects the pancreas. According to WebMD, LLC (2015), overweight and obesity increase the risk of diabetes. This risk is higher among individuals who spend a sedentary lifestyle. The ethnic background has also been predicted to increase the risk of diabetes, especially among the members of ethnic minorities in the U.S (WebMD, LLC, 2015).

In order for health promotion of diabetes to achieve the intended objectives, it must address most of the issues associated with the risk factors in addition to identifying the actual population. Health promotion advocates for a healthier lifestyle as a major way of managing diabetes across all groups. A proper diet, for instance, helps ensure that the level of glucose in the blood is kept at the appropriate level besides helping to maintain a normal body weight Engagement in physical activity in addition to enhancing the physical and psychological health of an individual helps ensure that the onset of disease complications is impeded (Nickitas, Middaugh & Aries, 2011). Physical exercise also helps keep the heart healthy in addition to controlling body weight. Patients and those at a higher risk of developing diabetes are advised to stay away from behaviors that can aggravate the risk. Some of these activities include smoking and excessive intake of alcohol (Health Promotion Board, 2012). Smoking is believed to cause a further narrowing of blood vessels, which is already caused by diabetes. This narrowing of blood vessels reduces the flow of blood to different organs in the body an aspect that may lead to serious complications. Alcohol on the other hand negatively interferes with personal meal plans and blood glucose control, especially among patients who are taking insulin pills (Health Promotion Board, 2012).

To ensure all people are living a healthy life that guarantees reduced risk to diabetes, it is important to raise awareness of this disease at the community and personal level. It is also important to ensure that the risk of diabetes is understood by the whole community and not just by the patients. Knowledge is the first initiative to empower people to manage successfully all the negative effects of diabetes. Increased awareness plays a major role in improving understanding in addition to reducing discrimination of patients. It is misguided and impractical to discriminate against individuals based on adverse health conditions. It is high time diabetes patients started being included in health insurance plans (National Diabetes Services Scheme, 2010). The inclusion of diabetes patients in insurance plans will eliminate the financial burden family members are forced to bear while taking care of a diabetic relative.


It can be concluded that even though diabetes is not curable campaigns can be conducted in addition to developing policies to increase awareness of the disease at all community levels. When individuals have the necessary knowledge, they engage in activities that prevent the onset of diabetes in the future. Patients who are at risk minimize their engagement in activities such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption that may aggravate the risk. These people also engage in activities such as regular physical activities and a proper diet that minimize the risk of diabetes.


National Diabetes Services Scheme. (2010). Raising Awareness, Web.

Health Promotion Board. (2012). Diabetes. Web.

Nickitas, D., Middaugh, D., & Aries, N. (2011). Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals. London, UK: Jones & Bartlett LearninG.

WebMD, LLC. (2015). What Increases My Risk of Diabetes? Web.

WHO. World Diabetes Day 2014. Web.

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