Substance Abuse: The Case Study

Developmental and age elements

Substance abuse leads to addiction in various human developmental stages, but studies have revealed that people who start abusing drugs at an early age have a higher propensity for engaging in dangerous substance abuse. J.J’s case reveals that she started drinking at 12 years, and this is an indication that she is prone to engage in dangerous behaviors, including the abuse of hard drugs. At 12 years, a child’s cognitive development is at a critical stage, which can lead to delinquent behavior if it is not monitored. It is apparent that J.J. did not get the required guidance during the onset of her teenage life, and this has led to adverse effects on her decision-making, self-control, and judgment skills. Studies have also revealed that the interplay between biological factors and environmental factors may increase the vulnerability of an individual to drug addiction and abuse (DrugFacts, 2012).

Socioeconomic and cross-cultural aspects

Family factors and demographic elements can predict the development of drug abuse behavior. It is apparent that children raised in families that have an individual abusing drugs are likely to engage in drug abuse at an early age. The influence of family members has a big effect on the ability of the children to make the right judgment when faced with an opportunity to use drugs. J.J’s case reveals that she might have been exposed to alcohol at an early age by a family member. It is also apparent that the economic status of a family might influence children’s drug abuse outcomes. For instance, children from richer families face a higher risk of accessing drugs because they can afford to purchase the substances. Children from poorer families are also prone to drug abuse because they get involved in drug trafficking and peddling in the streets. Children from Cross-cultural factors are also determinants of substance abuse. Different cultural beliefs provide a ground for the use of some drugs. For instance, there are communities that have very strict laws regulating the consumption of alcohol, whereas others do not have strong limitations on alcohol intake. Cultural beliefs provide a ground for children to develop morals, and J.J’s case could be an example of such a case (Abbott, 2008). It is highly probable that she has cultural roots in a community that does not look at alcohol intake as a serious misdemeanor among teenagers.

Relating expected findings with the findings discussed

It is expected that J.J. was exposed to alcohol and drugs by a family member of her friends in the neighborhood. It is also expected that she might be from a rich family, which facilitates her ability to purchase drugs. It might also be discovered that she is from a poor family, where she is exposed to a street life; thus, she has an easy access to alcohol and drugs. J.J. might also be biologically at a high-risk level of drug addiction.

Teaching plan

The objective of the teaching plan is to acquaint the victim and her family with knowledge about drug addiction. The first intervention plan should entail the administration of medications to clear drugs in her system. The second intervention should be taking her out of her current social circle. The third intervention should be guidance and counseling to ensure that she does not relapse. J.J. can be saved if she is placed in an environment that does not facilitate easy access to drugs.


Abbott, P. (2008). Culture and Substance Abuse: Impact of Culture Affects Approach to Treatment. Web.

DrugFacts: Understanding Drug Abuse and Addiction. (2012). Web.

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