Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders

Substance abuse is a very common disorder with a number of consequences that can negatively affect a patient’s life. However, no problem exists without a cause, and this issue is no exception. There are reasons to consider the possible correlation between substance abuse and mental disorders and the probable methods of treatment required for such cases. Significant progress has been made throughout the past decade regarding those two issues, providing more information.

The webpage Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders and the article Treatment for Substance Use Disorder with Co-Occurring Mental Illness depict the nature of this issue and provide more details on how such cases can be treated. According to the latter, the percentage of substance abuse among teenagers was higher among those who had a depressive episode than those who didn’t (Iqbal et al, 2018). It is important to mention that substance use can cause the development of mental disorders (NIMH, n. d.). The article mentions that substance abuse may complicate the diagnosis of a patient’s condition as well, which is why abstinence is required.

In order to understand the information depicted in the webpage and the article, one should understand and learn what defines the correlation between substance abuse. Moreover, it is advisable to review information regarding the treatment of those issues more thoroughly. Besides, one should remember that the treatment of those two issues must not only be simultaneous but cater to a patient’s individual requirements as well (NIMH, n. d.). That way, these two problems can be approached and resolved more effectively.

I find the correlation between depression and substance use to be a serious issue, for it is very common among young adults. There are factors that can contribute to those cases, such as genetics, lifestyle and trauma (NIMH, n.d.). The reason why I find this case alarming is because young people tend to turn to substances, in spite of some of them being notorious depressants (Iqbal et al., 2018). Moreover, I am concerned that these two correlated issues may affect people I know, most of who are in that age group.

The two materials have motivated me to learn more about the complicated causes of substance abuse and mental disorder treatment. Although they need to be treated together, it is important to mention that some substances can cause people to experience symptoms similar to anxiety, ADHD, or major depressive disorder (Iqbal et al., 2018). Sometimes, certain substances may lead to changes in the brain that cause a rewarding sensation (NIMH, n. d.). This, in turn, causes such patients to continue using said substances.

Since it has been mentioned that substance use and mental disorders can be caused by environmental factors, I think it would be very interesting to review the factors in class. Because there are known cases of people within the same family struggling with those issues, there is an implication that those cases could be genetically inherited as well (NIMH, n. d.). That way, crucial information could be reviewed for better ways of treating such cases.

Due to the severity of substance abuse and correlated mental disorders, it is important to choose the most suitable methods of treatment. Currently, there are two ways of treating patients with such diagnoses: behavioral therapy and medication (NIMH, n. d.). Sometimes, behavioral therapy may be insufficient and medication can be used simultaneously with it (NIMH, n. d.). I think that there, in fact, is a correlation between mental disorders and substance use because many people were known for using substances as a coping method for their pre-existing mental disorders and traumas.


Iqbal, M. N., Levin, C. J., Levin, F. R. (2018) Treatment of Substance Use Disorder with Co-Occurring Mental Illness. Focus. The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry. Vol 17(2), pp. 88-97

Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders. (n. d.) NIMH. Web.

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