Transformational Leadership Theory and Its Influence

Transformational leadership is the model where leaders motivate and influence their followers, leading to their psychological empowerment and development, enabling them to work more efficiently. While this theory is sometimes rejected as unreliable, it still provides much helpful knowledge in all aspects of leadership. As an effective leader, I would ensure that all my employees are both happy and productive: to do this, I would use my psychological strength, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and leadership theories.

Leadership knowledge

I think, it is essential for leaders to know about theories about leadership: despite leaders often rely on their feelings and vision, it is better to rely on facts. Transformational leadership theory studies the cases of various leaders and evaluates their effectiveness (Siangchokyoo, N., Klinger, R. L., & Campion, E. D., 2020). It shows the different aspects of leaders’ roles and explains how one can be a better leader (Carmeli, A., Sheaffer, Z., Binyamin, G., Reiter-Palmon, R., & Shimoni, T., 2013). Thus, a leader should be familiar with leadership theories and be able to use them.

Transformational leadership theory is sometimes described as unreliable, as there are no direct connections between the actions of transformational leaders and increasing the productivity of their followers. Still, there are many indirect connections, which can be explored. For example, interviewing the leaders and analyzing their responses are suitable methods for highlighting the skills useful for leaders and studying how they are helpful (Siangchokyoo et al., 2020). In that way, transformational leadership theory is on the stage of its development.

While the theory should be improved, it is unreasonable to eliminate it because it can solve various leadership problems. It is crucial for developing work relationships and increasing work effectiveness (Ambad, S. N. A., Kalimin, K. M., Ag Damit, D. H. D., & Andrew, J. V., 2021). To serve as a good leader, I would adopt all valuable elements of the transformational leadership theory, which would help me better understand what I should do to increase the productivity and well-being of my followers.

Emotional intelligence

When a transformational leader influences followers to work better, it is usually connected with emotions. In that way, the leader’s effectiveness correlates positively with the leader’s emotional intelligence. The development of emotional intelligence is crucial not only for transformational leaders but for employees too. The ability to see other people’s emotions is crucial in the organization of the work process: people are an integral part of this process, and its organization is basically the work with people (Hussein & Yesiltas, 2020).

If employees have high emotional intelligence, they are less prone to quarrels, form more effective teams, and understand each other better. I would use all available and reasonable methods for increasing the emotional intellect while serving as the leader. For me, it is one of the most critical tools in leadership practice.


Strong transformational leaders help their followers to do all their work by motivating their employees: this motivation leads to their psychological empowerment. Under their mentorship, employees feel more capable and motivated (Huang, C. Y., Weng, R. H., & Chen, Y. T., 2016). Researchers specify four dimensions of transformative leadership, known as “four Is”: inspirational motivation, idealistic influence, individual consideration, and intellectual stimulations (Ambad et al., 2021). In that way, a transformational leader can make followers stronger both emotionally and mentally and, thus, much more productive.

A good leader considers followers as friends and creates an environment where they feel relaxed and concentrated simultaneously. Individual consideration means that the leader is ready to build the individual approach to each employee to establish and maintain sincere and productive relations. (Ambad et al., 2021). Employees feel much better and confident when they know that they will be understood. Such conditions stimulate them to think independently and to find their own ways to solve problems, which can be more efficient. A leader can combine the transformational leadership style with the transactional one and closely monitor employees’ work performance: more effective ways to do work can be preserved, and less effective can be rejected (Ambad et al., 2021). I think that a good leader should have a sizeable psychological strength and use it to increase the psychological strength of followers.

Interpersonal relationships

Transformational leadership not only psychologically empowers the employees but ensures that they will be happy and secured. Psychological support is essential for career development and increasing work productivity: when people are more confident, they work better (Huang et al., 2016). People love to go to work when they know that they are cared for; they tend to care more about their work in return and show better performance. In addition, employees get along better with each other, and their teamwork becomes more effective. A strong positive correlation between good interpersonal relationships at work, and productivity of this work, is evident.

Transformational leaders inspire their followers by showing them their work perspectives: what they can reach if studying and working. For example, in nursing centers, good mentors show their mentees practical methods of nursing and inspire them to show the best performance (Huang et al., 2016). Transformational leaders can stimulate the intellectual abilities of their followers, showing them that they are much more capable than they can think. (Ambad et al., 2021). People become more confident, relaxed, learn necessary information better and quicker. Sincere interpersonal relationships increase employees’ productivity, well-being, inner happiness, and life quality in general.


Problem-solving skills require a wide range of cognitive abilities: both creativity and rationality. Transformational leadership theory shows the role of the leader as a provider that enables followers to succeed in their tasks, motivating them to develop those abilities (Carmeli et al., 2013). To do this, a good leader should have high emotional intelligence and psychological powers and be able to combine creativity and rationality at work.

A good leader stimulates the employees ‘ problem-solving skills by nurturing a strong emotional intelligence, maintaining good interpersonal relationships, and psychological empowerment among them. There is a hypothesis that followers of such a leader feel themselves in psychological safety, relax, and, in that way, can solve problems with creativity (Carmeli et al., 2013). A good leader reduces tendencies to counterproductive behavior by motivating the followers and establishing strong connections with them (Hussein & Yesiltas, 2020). Thus, transformational leadership theory suggests tools for increasing the productivity of leaders and their followers.


As one can see, transformational leadership theory influences different aspects of the work process: it shows how to maintain emotional wellness and good relationships among employees and stimulate them to solve problems efficiently. Transformational leaders stimulate reflections in employees: they start to understand the work process better and can participate in them more productive.

Although transformational leadership theory is still not well-defined and has inconsistencies, it is still helpful for modern leaders: it shows how to improve work productivity and be a better leader. Specific cases prove its effectiveness, and I would use it actively to be a good leader in my field.


Ambad, S. N. A., Kalimin, K. M., Ag Damit, D. H. D., & Andrew, J. V. (2021). The mediating effect of psychological empowerment on leadership styles and task performance of academic staff. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 42(5), 763–782.

Carmeli, A., Sheaffer, Z., Binyamin, G., Reiter-Palmon, R., & Shimoni, T. (2013). Transformational leadership and creative Problem-Solving: The mediating role of psychological safety and reflexivity. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 48(2), 115–135.

Huang, C. Y., Weng, R. H., & Chen, Y. T. (2016). Investigating the relationship among transformational leadership, interpersonal interaction, and mentoring functions. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(15–16), 2144–2155.

Hussein, B., & Yesiltas, M. (2020). The influence of emotional intelligence on employee’s counterwork behavior and organizational commitment: Mediating role of transformational leadership. Revista de Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala, 71, 377–402.

Siangchokyoo, N., Klinger, R. L., & Campion, E. D. (2020). Follower transformation as the linchpin of transformational leadership theory: A systematic review and future research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(1), 101341

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