
Writing Tips

Study Smarter with IvyPanda’s Free Academic Writing Course

Academic writing presents countless challenges, from analyzing sources and formulating a thesis statement to structuring the paper’s elements. It’s no wonder that many students feel overwhelmed and spend hours crafting even a single paragraph. But what if there was a way to supercharge your skills right now and make writing...

Finance Term Paper Writing Tips: Factors to Consider in Writing

Finance term papers are written to discuss financial issues describing economic status of a country or an institution. These issues can be monetary policies and principles in the organization, the institution’s expenses, taxes or earnings and economic capacity of the country or the institution. To write a finance term paper,...

Bullet Points: When They Are Needed and How to Write Them

Bullet points can be a great tool that helps students summarize their arguments or attract readers’ attention to a specific idea. However, some people don’t know when and how to use them. This article will explain why bullet points are needed and how to write them. These tips can be...

Dream House Essay: Get Inspired and Use Your Imagination

What can be more amazing than writing about own dreams? You will definitely enjoy working on this assignment: dreaming about own house is so great. In turn, we have prepared some hints on your successful dream house essay writing. Dream House Essay: Writing Tips A dream house essay is a...

Critical Thinking Essays or an Essay about Myself Made Easy

Essay writing is the most frequent writing exercise for students during their academic life. This is so because essay writing assists in developing writing, cognitive and critical thinking skills. Critical thinking essays or an essay about myself contributes to the development of all these desired skills. Quite often students find...

Research Design and Methodology: What Is the Difference?

Research design and research methodology are often considered as synonyms by inexperienced researchers and students. There is nothing surprising here, since the concepts are rather similar and can be easily mixed up by novice scholars. Still, in order to perform all the bureaucratic actions needed for writing a dissertation or...

Research Paper Notecards: An Effective Way to Organize Unknown Information

Conducting research can be rather a challenging process. Basically, the main challenge you will face is the amount of unknown information, ideas of various authors that you will have to integrate in your paper later. Making research paper notecards is one of the effective ways to organize all that info...

Experimental Research Papers: General Tips for You to Start

So, you are about to start writing your first experimental research paper, and it seems like you feel a bit nervous. Please, calm down. Although an experimental research paper is a serious project that might cause difficulties, this will be an exciting experience. By the way, we are sure that...

Research Papers on Rosa Parks: A Couple of Creative Ideas for You

Rosa Louis Parks was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. She is famous for her act of civil disobedience, which happened in 1955 when she refused to give a seat to a white passenger in the bus. These are well-known facts about Rosa Parks, and you will find...

Examples of Action Research Papers

Sample action research papers are a good idea for those who cannot get the entire picture of writing from plain writing tips. And we can even understand why. It is hard to figure out how the title page of a research paper should look like without seeing a sample. This...

Tips for Great Research Papers on Tattoos

So, you have to write a research paper on tattoos. What do you know about them? Do you know that the first tattoos emerged five thousand years ago? Do you know some specific meanings of tattoos? Can you explain what for people make tattoos? These and many other issues can...

Cover Page for a Term Paper

A cover page for a term paper is the title page of your term paper project. A cover page for a term paper is usually made in accordance with the requirements established by a tutor him/herself or the educational institution where students study at. That is why when making a...

Tips on Writing Your Biography Research Paper

You know, when you write a biography research paper you take a certain responsibility. You are going to tell about the life of a person. So, you are responsible for telling an interesting and a true story about him/her. Any biography research paper that gives some dry facts will only...

Term Paper Examples: Pros and Cons

Everything in our life should be balanced. That is why we can talk about the unity of our universe. If we narrow this topic up to academic study, we will be able to consider some advantages and disadvantages of doing written assignments by example. Let us, for instance, consider the...

Three Essential Elements of MLA Format Term Paper

MLA format term paper is written on the basis of certain guidelines that can be found in the textbook on the writing styles, or here in this article. The most complicated part of MLA format term paper is probably the organization of the first and the last page of this...

Cover Page for a Research Paper

A cover page for a research paper?! No problem, at all! This is great that you are so self-confident, but are you 100 % sure that you will not make a mistake while organizing the cover page for your research paper. If you have, at least, slight doubt about that,...

Science Term Paper: Things to Keep in Mind

A Science term paper is a kind of a paper written by a student that aims to describe an event or a concept or to argue a point. When writing a Science term paper, every student should keep in mind certain things to make a perfect term paper. We would...

What Is a Dissertation Synopsis?

From time to time you should enlarge your knowledge. Everyone try to achieve positive results in his/her own way. If you want to succeed in writing your dissertation, it is high time to write a good dissertation synopsis. The main purpose of any dissertation synopsis is to present the major...