Customer Service: Driving Sales and Loyalty


The modern world is entirely driven by marketing and sales, where gaining new clients and retaining existing customers is the primary objective. Customer service frequently interacts with a customer before the sale, which significantly impacts the decision. Providing excellent customer service is the act of making a sale since high-quality service leads to revenue growth from an increase in the frequency of repeat purchases, loyalty, and the number of customers.


Given that many products and services are similar, the seller must show that they stand out precisely through their service and value to customers. Companies with a good reputation will find it easier to compete with competing companies because customers are likelier to believe in them than businesses with a negative reputation (Juanamasta et al., 2019). Due to the tremendous degree of competition in today’s marketplace, it is challenging for businesses to hold onto their positions if they do not provide top-quality services. The success of a company’s sales is directly correlated with the reputation of the company that is built through the provision of services and contact with customer service that addresses customer needs.

Losing one client will always cost the business money, and losing the customer will always outweigh the cost of gaining loyalty. Customers satisfied with the services provided by the customer excellence team would increase their usage level and intention to use the service in the future (Rita et al., 2019). In an attempt to reduce costs, businesses frequently neglect quality customer service, but by doing so, they lose customers and suffer more significant losses. If the customer is genuinely delighted, his emotional loyalty will rise quickly and profit growth can be used to measure customer satisfaction.

A customer buys not only a product or service but also customer support since interaction with staff is almost inevitable. Customer loyalty favors the company’s markets and financial results (Saneva & Chortoseva, 2020). To maintain customer loyalty in the face of shifting consumer preferences, businesses strive to satisfy customers’ needs, wants, and expectations (Juanamasta et al., 2019)). Customers who receive excellent customer service show long-term, loyal support for the business based on rational and emotional devotion. Loyal customers are a vital source of revenue for a company because they can keep them even with price hikes or attractive offers from a competitor.


Customer service influences a potential client’s choice, and customer retention depends on the service. The primary factor in gaining a client’s loyalty is establishing an emotional connection, which is accomplished by establishing contact with the client and resolving their issues, which is the responsibility of customer service. Customer service improvement should be considered when developing sales strategies because it is crucial to customer retention.


Juanamasta, I.G., Wati, N.M., Hendrawati, E., Wahyuni, W., Pramudianti, M., Wisnujati, N.S., Setiawati, A.P., Susetyorini, S., Elan, U., Rusdiyanto, R., Astanto, D., Ulum, B., & Novitasari, S. (2019). The Role Of Customer Service Through Customer Relationship Management (CRM) To Increase Customer Loyalty And Good Image. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 8(10), 2004-2007.

Rita, P., Oliveira, T., & Farisa, A. (2019). The impact of e-service quality and customer satisfaction on customer behavior in online shopping. Heliyon, 5(10), e02690. Web.

Saneva, D., & Chortoseva, S. (2020). Service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty: Testing a structural equation model. Calitatea, 21(179), 124-128.

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