Customer Service: The Training Session


It must be acknowledged that offering satisfactory products to customers is the most important thing for business success of every business organization. The workers who are directly in the frontline to deliver products to customers are the face of the company. With this regard, it is always necessary for the employees to be aware of how best they can deliver excellent products to the company’s customers and help resolve their complaints. One thing that is worth noting is that employees may not be aware, at individual level, of how clients perceive how they deliver the services. Besides, it is easy for the company to get customers’ feedback about company services and products through the employees who are in direct contact with them. In this case, they should be able to solve customer problems as soon as they occur or report (Zemke & Woods 1999).

The presentation

The training session will be important towards making the employees have more knowledge on how to ensure effective and efficient service recovery. It is significant to note that whenever clients report a problem with the company products, they actually expect an almost immediate solution without delay. By attending the training session, the hotel staff members will learn from the experts on how to handle the service recovery process. For instance, they will be able to learn and internalize the steps involved in the service recovery process. Actually, they will be able to learn that it is an individual’s responsibility to ensure customer’s problems are solved once either of them starts to deal with a client. The steps also include being sorry on behalf of the hotel for the customer’s bad experience and making follow ups to ensure the customer is actually satisfied with the resolutions to the problems (Zemke & Woods 1999).

It is mentioned in the letter that some customers may complain but are satisfied, complain and get dissatisfied and does not complain yet remain dissatisfied. With respect to this, the hotel staff member will learn on how to gauge customers’ opinion regarding the way customers respond to dissatisfactions. Moreover, there is a range of recovery models available for the service recovery process. It is highly likely that the consultant will be able to train the hotel staff members of these recovery models and each one of them works. At the end of it, the hotel staff will be able to identify customers with certain issues and then embark on addressing the problem to the satisfaction of the customers (Zemke & Woods 1999).

It is crucial to remember that service recovery is not just a normal activity within an organization that is carried out as a routine; it is actually a systematic process of business activity that requires being designed in a proper manner and then systematically implementing within the operations of the organization. Therefore, the hotel staff will be able to learn how to design service recovery and implement it for the benefit of both the customers and the organization.

It is also of great importance to note that customer complains, in many cases, are emotional and sometimes involve too much anger; meanwhile, the staff members are also human beings who may get frustrated, besides, an individual hotel staff member may not be handle a customer’s emotional complaints due to either fear of handling such people. The training will be of great value to such staff members since the consultant is mainly coming to train them on how to carry out service recovery and this entails handling angry customers in a particular way the consultant will recommend (Zemke & Woods 1999).

Since they are forced to deal with customers’ problems on behalf of the company and also due to the fact they are interested in improving their individual services to the company’s customers, they will be keen to learn how to carry out service recovery to the satisfaction of the customer.


The first recommendation that is necessary is that as many training sessions as possible should be conducted during the year so as to enable the employees to acquire as many skills as possible on handling and resolving customer complaints. The training sessions may even be organized once after every four months. The importance of this is that the sessions will provide an avenue of doing an evaluation of how the hotel staff members are progressing with their newly knowledge and whether the previous trainings have been of any help to the hotel staff with regards to handling customer complaints.

During the training process, it will be important that the question and answers be made a little bit longer to allow the staff members to ask as many questions as possible in relation to their past experience with customers’ complaints. This is important because the training consultant will be able to respond to questions touching on the real life experience of the hotel staff in relation to service recovery.

After the training session, the staff members should immediately embark on designing and implementing service recovery strategies. The hotel should facilitate this by providing necessary resources that will ensure all required tools for service recovery is in place. In fact, to this efficient, the hotel should have a distinct service recovery department of center with specific staff members to be responsible for the recovery process. This implies that the hotel should not just let every staff members to participate in the service recovery process, even though it is important that all of them should be knowledgeable on service recovery, but have specialized staff member to handle the process as a part of their main duty.

Again, the training process should be complemented by use of visual aid; this may include a short clip on how a customer brings his or her complaints to a company staff and how the staff member handles the complaints. This will demonstrate practically to the hotel staff members on how to handle customers’ complaints should they arise.


It is important that the training goes on since the hotel staff will be able to acquire knowledge that is crucial in handling the process of service recovery; they will be able to learn how to design service recovery and implement it within the hotel’s business operations. Again, they will be able to ask questions regarding service recovery as it relates to their past experience with customer complaints. In this case, they will be able to be more effective in handing customer complaints to the satisfaction of customers. It is recommended that the training session should make use of visual aid in order to provide a practical way of handling customer complaints. Moreover, the staff members will be able to learn that the process of service recovery is systematic and should be handled with a lot of precision to ensure the customers’ problems are satisfactorily resolved.


Zemke, R. & Woods, J. (1999). Best practices in customer service. United States: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

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