Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Activities

Evidence should originate from the initiation and completion of thorough qualitative and quantitative research that meets specified criteria in scientific investigations. A methodology that has been extensively assessed in experimental reviews, such as randomized trials, and demonstrated to establish a greater, statistically significant impact on crucial outcomes is known as the evidence-based approach. For the essay, the article “Evidence-based practice in nursing for teaching-learning: But is it nursing?” was selected, written by Nan Russell Yancey. The research was first published in 2019 in the scientific journal Nursing Science Quarterly, volume 32, issue 1. The paper highlights the importance of implementing evidence-based practice in nursing activities, including teaching and learning procedures.

Concerning the necessity to summarize the essential content and ideas, it is possible to state that the article emphasizes nursing education questions. Even though nurses have advocated for the nursing profession to be guided by the best data available, evidence-based practice has gained traction in medical services (Yancey, 2019). It happened since the Institute of Medicine’s study Crossing the Quality Chasm was published in 2001 (Yancey, 2019). According to recent nursing research, the evidence-based approach should be the cornerstone of nursing practice and included in nursing education at all stages (Yancey, 2019). Nevertheless, in an attempt to address questions about what should be the evidence for the nursing profession and teaching-learning in nursing, it is necessary to define what evidence-based practice is in this sphere (Yancey, 2019). This article explores the issues “Is it evidence?” and “Is it nursing?” and offers ideas and concerns to nurse supervisors in management and education (Yancey, 2019). It is required to ensure that adequate evidence is used to drive nursing education, training, and practice (Yancey, 2019). In general, an evidence-based approach is essential in nursing practices, including education procedures and guidelines.

To describe my view of the article’s balance, the writer addressed both sides of the issue since he discussed two concepts, including “evidence” and “nursing,” in terms of teaching-learning activities. The author encouraged nurses to identify where evidence is used in practice (Yancey, 2019). Thus, the presence of bias is proven since the examination should consider the correct implication of evidence; it cannot be applicable in all settings.

To my mind, the author did sufficient research since he was able to analyze an important aspect of nursing practice related to learning and teaching. The researcher provided facts and citations; hence, the article is technically correct and presented and supported. To my mind, figures and statistical data representation could have been added as enhanced elements of the argument. I suppose a follow-up article should contain information referring to evidence-based practice in general healthcare approaches. I agree with the article and support my opinion that it is obligatory to examine evidence-based methodology in nursing education.

In conclusion, it is reasonable to note that the study focuses on nursing education and teaching issues. In terms of teaching-learning activities, the writer addressed all sides of the problem, in my opinion, because he explored two ideas, including “evidence” and “nursing.” The presence of bias is proven since the examination should consider the correct implication of evidence; it cannot be applicable in all settings. A follow-up publication, in my opinion, should include information about evidence-based practice in general healthcare practices. The author, in my opinion, conducted a sufficient study since he was able to evaluate an essential part of nursing practice connected to learning and teaching.


Yancey N. R. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing for teaching-learning: But is it really nursing?. Nursing Science Quarterly, 32(1), 25–28. Web.

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