National Standards for CLAS in Health Care

First CLAS Standard

Standard #1: This rule implies that people from all cultural backgrounds should receive quality health care, without jeopardizing their cultural beliefs. It goes on to say that health care services should be in the language that the patient prefers or understands better.

This standard is intended to provide equity in the provision of health services to people of all cultural beliefs. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2015), the standard is aimed at eliminating disparities in the health sector. Besides, it is intended to improve the quality of the health services given to all health facilities in the country. The work of this standard is to inform health care providers that they must provide adequate, as well as quality health services to people of all cultures and languages. In effect, it eliminates the disparities caused by race and ethnicity in the provision of health care. It also promotes culturally and linguistically appropriate services.

Second CLAS Standard

Standard # 4: In this standard, it is required that all players in the health sector be educated and trained using correct policies that will promote equity. Leaders in this industry ought to receive training on how to implement particular policies that are relevant to their departments (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). Nurses also need to be trained on the current approaches to health care provision. The advancement in technology has brought with its new equipment and other infrastructures that were never there before. Therefore, it is necessary to train all the health personnel on the emerging trends in the health sector so that they can offer the best services to the public.

The work of this standard is to promote cultural and linguistic services among the health care providers by ensuring that no one among them fails to receive up-to-date training that is relevant to their health sectors.

Third CLAS Standard

Standard # 13: The standard advocates the involvement of the community in developing, implementing, as well as evaluating policies that are necessary for use in the health sector. It is intended to ensure that the public is aware of the available plans and appreciates the efforts of the government in providing efficient and quality health care. According to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (2015), this process of public involvement prevents opposition from the public regarding government-initiated projects.

The promotion of culturally and linguistically appropriate services is made possible in this standard, where the community participates in policymaking. No discrimination is encouraged, irrespective of geographical region, race, or language in selecting community members that will give their views on the policies.


The first standard can be improved by ensuring that all health care providers receive training on the importance of providing equitable health care to people of all cultural backgrounds. There are claims that some patients from cultures that do not approve some medications and injections are forced to accept the same treatment (Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, 2015). The practice should stop, as all cultures are important and need to be respected. Health caregivers should know the best available option in the event that a patient disapproves of a given form of treatment.

The fourth CLAS standard of training all personnel in the health sector can be improved by keeping proper records of those who need training and when. It follows several claims that some nurses do not receive as a result of poor record-keeping.

The thirteenth standard of community involvement can be enhanced by making sure that the public is aware of when they should participate. There have been claims that some people do not get information on their anticipated participation. Therefore, effective media should be used in informing the public in time.


Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. (2015). National Standards for CLAS in health and health care: a blueprint for advancing and sustaining CLAS policy and practice. Web.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2015). What are the National CLAS Standards? Web.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2011). HHS action plan to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities: A nation free of disparities in health and health care. Web.

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