Patients’ Access to Mental Health Care

Patients may be unable to receive essential mental health therapy due to barriers to medical care, which negatively impacted their quality of life. Lack of expert assistance, rising expenses of uninsured medical care, and other factors all had a role. To address this problem, a health strategy tries to incorporate behavioral and mental health treatment into routine office visits (Zhou et al., 2018). Primary care is an important part of healthcare, and in order to increase the quality of primary care, clinicians should set aside time for patients and let them lead the dialogue. Regular visits that include mental health treatment can address the patient’s mental health issues as well as any potential continuing mental health crises (Zhou et al., 2018). Improving mental health discussions in primary care is a critical component of delivering value in this environment.

Care coordination and an integrated approach to mental health care delivery have long been appreciated by healthcare professionals. Patients who receive coordinated treatment from their primary care and mental health physicians have better clinical results and more convenient access to care (Calvo et al., 2018). Patients’ general health can improve, and depression rates can decrease when comprehensive mental treatment is provided (Calvo et al., 2018). Clinicians who collaborate and communicate with one another can significantly improve patient outcomes.

In their everyday clinical practice, mental health professionals encounter unique ethical and professional obstacles. Individual autonomy, competency, and appropriate explanations for the dominance of individual decision-making and the limits of individual liberty are among the most important (Hem et al., 2018). The important principle for dealing with them is to weigh the advantages to the individual and society that involuntary treatment and unwelcome disclosure provide against the infringement on personal freedom and privacy that they involve (Hem et al., 2018).

Patients’ access to mental health care is frequently limited, lowering their quality of life. As the need for patients increases, health policy must adapt. Policymakers should work to enhance mental illness care in general. #mentalhealthmatters


Calvo, R. A., Dinakar, K., Picard, R., Christensen, H., & Torous, J. (2018). Toward impactful collaborations on computing and mental health. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(2).

Hem, M. H., Molewijk, B., Gjerberg, E., Lillemoen, L., & Pedersen, R. (2018). The significance of ethics reflection groups in mental health care: a focus group study among health care professionals. BMC medical ethics, 19(1), 1-14.

Zhou, W., Yu, Y., Yang, M., Chen, L., & Xiao, S. (2018). Policy development and challenges of global mental health: a systematic review of published studies of national-level mental health policies. BMC psychiatry, 18(1), 1-9.

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