Health and Population of Sentinel City

The total population of Sentinel City comprises 663,862 people in four districts, namely Industrial Heights, Casper Park District, Acer Tech Center, and Nightingale Square. The city has a mixed racial population, and non-Hispanic whites are the dominant racial group. According to the statistics obtained, the city comprises 80.6% white residents, 52.7% of whom are non-Hispanic, 10.4% African American, 31.5% Hispanic, and 3.7% Asian. The remaining 0.2% of people are citizens from other minority groups.

It can be said that approximately 37% of the total population in the city are minority groups collectively. The average number of people per household in Sentinel City is 3.6 people. A demographic assessment has shown that Sentinel City has health needs and risks to various communities in the city. 18.9% of Sentinel City residents live below the poverty line. These people most likely do not have the means or access to the resources needed to promote and maintain their health.

Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory

From the observations made, it follows that the city has serious problems in terms of environmental health, which additionally applies to its surroundings. It is due to the presence in this region of several industries that had an impact on the ecological conditions of this region. In general, it is rare to find stray animals in the city. However, several stray dogs have been observed in Industrial Heights, which may have contributed to the high number of reported cases of dog bite injuries.

A problem that impacts Sentinel City is drug and substance abuse, with illegal drugs and alcohol being among the drugs that are being abused. Last year, about 10% of the population was reported to have abused at least one form of a banned drug; the percentage had fallen from previous years when it was between 10 and 25 percent. The city has active emergency medical services, depending on the location; its average response time is 7.46 minutes.

Crime is another problem Sentinel City faces, where various types of law violations have been reported. Common arrests on the city hall police list are 17% assault, 23% warrants, 16% controlled substances, 6% public intoxication, 6% recklessness. A violent crime rate has been recorded, 311.1 per 100,000 people. I spoke to the mayor of Sentinel City and realized that he has a plan to fight crime and wants to invest in a coalition based on crime prevention.

Windshield Survey

I have seen that Sentinel City is more of an urban community where the buildings are built out of brick and mortar and mostly interconnected. For the most part, the city looks well-groomed and developed (central heating, modern plumbing, and air conditioning), but there were more dilapidated and abandoned buildings in some areas. Scattered throughout the city are buildings needing repair, with boarded-up windows and doors, dangerous leaks, and graffiti indicating gang activity. The city’s green spaces are well maintained, but few houses have space in front or behind: the streets run along the front of the buildings, and the alleys run at the back.

Population Health Scavenger Hunt

Sentinel City offers a diverse selection of community resources, such as the Department of Parks and Recreation offering educational programs, swimming lessons, nutrition programs, and gardening programs. The health care system is specifically designed for the elderly. It offers health care attorneys, transportation, service animals, food on wheels, a community center, and miscellaneous government assistance.

Data Analysis

From my review of the city, I observed with concern that environmental health, especially at Industrial Heights, was a problem. It was mainly due to air pollution from industrial plants located in the area. Air quality problems can be a major reason for the rise in respiratory diseases among the population, including chronic conditions and deadly diseases like lung cancer. Mostly in the Industrial Heights, I saw rat-infested rubbish along with buildings, burning cars and barrels, animals roaming the streets, and feeding on garbage. Air quality and wastewater are major concerns in these areas.

From my observations of reported cases of violence and the number of people hospitalized at the Better Health Clinic due to violence cases, I have found that this is a concern that has affected the city’s overall health. I further noted that many risky behaviors could endanger the health of residents. The use and abuse of some of the drugs available in public establishments exposed residents to problems such as a high risk of contracting venereal diseases. It has been argued that drug and substance abuse contribute to the high prevalence of STIs and increased teenage pregnancy and abortion rates.

Top Three Problems in Sentinel City

Based on my analysis of Sentinel City, there are three most problematic city areas. The first problem identified is environmental pollution. Improving the health of the population through creating a healthy environment is one of the goals of Healthy People 2020. An example of a solution could be a strategy for health-oriented transport projects (Environmental health, 2020). There are many ways to solve this problem since the problem is very broad.

The next identified problem is the high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The goal of Healthy People 2020 is to stop the rise in STD rates and promote healthy sexual behavior (Sexually transmitted diseases, 2020). It is necessary to promote sexual education and prevent STDs to solve this problem.

Finally, the third clear problem in Sentinel City is the rise in drug and substance abuse, increasing the level of violence. Consistent with Healthy People 2020, the goal is to reduce substance use to stabilize the population’s health and quality of life (Substance abuse, 2020). Prevention can be based on various programs, such as a mentor program dealing with drug abuse prevention.

Discussion of Community Resources

My chosen health issue in Sentinel City is drug and substance abuse. An available resource to address the problem is the Better Health Clinic, run by the Department of Health, offering rehabilitation services to drug and substance abuse victims. The clinic may, in addition, conduct health promotion activities, such as community education initiatives about the harmful effects of drugs and other illegal substances. One effective measure could also be tougher penalties for dealing with illegal drugs.

Primary Prevention

Substance use by children and youth is a major problem in Sentinel City. There is a stable relationship between the increase in cases of drug addiction among minors and the increase in the number of illegal acts. The introduction of health-saving technologies into the practice of educational institutions will solve the problems of preserving and developing the health of schoolchildren. For the treatment of drug addicts, the city has a Better Health Clinic, which can also conduct various campaigns to combat substance abuse.


One of the things I learned from the assessment is the various approaches that can be used to assess the community and develop appropriate interventions to improve health outcomes for yourself and those around you. Looking through all the data and statistics, I saw the relationship between community members’ income, health, and well-being. I also learned about some factors that may contribute to the spread of certain phenomena or social determinants influencing health outcomes in a community.

Using this knowledge, I can value my community and help them develop measures to improve their health indicators. My goal is to identify deficiencies and analyze them to increase the level of well-being in the community, thereby enhancing health and well-being.


Environmental health. Environmental Health | Healthy People 2020. Web.

Sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually Transmitted Diseases | Healthy People 2020. Web.

Substance abuse. Substance Abuse | Healthy People 2020. Web.

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