Social Media and Business Aspects

With 1.11 billion users as of March 2013, businesses all over the world are turning to Facebook as an advertisement platform. On the other end, consumers are increasingly accessing Facebook to obtain information on various products and businesses as the number of businesses on the social media site burgeons by the day reaching a record 15 million brands.

Social media has created room for innovative social programs. Companies take advantage of this to interact freely with their customers with an objective of increasing their numbers. Businesses engage in publishing ideas, sharing and even allow the public to vote for their products. Thus, it is imperative for business owners and other concerned parties to equip themselves with knowledge of the ins and outs of marketing on social media and identify competent social media marketing managers (Evans, 2008).

First, a sound social media-marketing manager should be well conversant with the laws relating to social media. Such competence aids Facebook to draw up legitimate contracts recognized by the law, thereby mitigating the risks of using social media for business endeavors. This protects consumer transactions.

Secondly, well-informed social media marketing managers should have the ability to make informed decisions on issues that arise spontaneously during the course of their practice. Such an attribute helps Facebook provide solutions to unprecedented problems that ensue during consumer transactions on the social media site.

Thirdly, a competent social media-marketing manager should be able to confront the limitations imposed by law in his or her trade to make room for innovation. By way of explanation, Facebook ought to operate with a sense of creative freedom whilst remaining within the bounds of law. As a result, consumers subscribe to sublime services while enjoying the protection of the law.

Lastly, moral values and propriety to ethical expectations are idiosyncrasies of an adept marketing manager. Possessing the previously mentioned characteristic leaves consumers in safe hands as they conduct their activities on Facebook.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Arbitration as a dispute resolution process involves the appointment of an unbiased third party who holds the final say in a dispute after hearing out the parties entangled in the dispute. Arbitration proves effective when the members involved are incapable of coming up with a solution on their own.

Mediation makes use of an expert at conflict resolution to help resolve a dispute. The responsibility of guiding the parties reach an amicable solution is with the mediator, though the concerned parties generate the solution independent of the mediator. Mediation works in situations where the conflicting sides are capable of reaching an agreement. Both arbitration and mediation are especially useful in the internal affairs of Facebook such as when there is an interdepartmental dispute. External disputes are mainly resolved in a court such as when Think Computer Corporation disputed Facebook over trademark rights.

Negotiation is another alternative dispute resolution approach. The conflicting sides employ Legal Attorneys and negotiate on behalf of their clients. Negotiations come highly recommended in conflicts that have to do with legal matters that are beyond the scope of the antagonistic parties. Negotiation has widely been used in organizations and states to resolving about 90% of both political and economic disputes before they proceed to trial. Such is the case when in July 2012; Facebook resolved its patent issues with Yahoo out of court by way and means of negotiation. Soon after, Facebook’s stock value recorded a slight increase.

Control of Interstate Transactions

The federal government should install technology that is relevant to its endeavor of controlling interstate transactions on Facebook and other social media. In the year 2011, the global amount of data, people produced were more or less 1,800 billion gigabytes. With that figure in mind, it is clear that without the necessary technology, the government would find it impossible to keep track of social media transactions.

Additionally, the federal government ought to pass a transparency act that enables it to collect data, private or otherwise, from all individuals that make transactions on social media. Though controversial, data collection is vital in tracing social media transactions for the greater good.

Still, the federal government is obligated to bring forth legislative measures that define procedures, prevent unfavorable transactions, and issue retribution on matters pertinent to social media transactions. Doing so would ensure maintenance of civil standards when using Facebook for any kind of activity (Bagley, 2013).

Arms of Government

The federal government is in three chief arms, namely the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary. On the issue of social media transactions, the executive arm of government is responsible for setting up services and policies that direct social media transactions. For example, any social media such as Facebook needs approval from the program office as well as the relevant communications office before commencement of its services.

As for the legislative branch of the federal government, its major task is conceiving laws that govern transactions on social media. As a case and point, there have been ongoing reviews of the legislature governing the privacy of user data on Facebook and other social media sites.

On the other hand, the judicial arm of government role is to make rulings over legal matters and offer advice on the same. Over and above, the three branches of government complement each other in their roles.

Despite the indispensable roles all three arms of government play, the legislative wing doubtless has the ability to make the most impact on Facebook and other social media. With the ability to implement legislature, this arm of government seemingly takes center stage on the issue of social media transactions. The other two departments of government play a supporting role by either punishing defiance to the implemented laws, as is the case with the judiciary or formulating policies that enhance the laws as is evident with the executive (Keillor, 2013).

Federal Agency Relationship to Social Media

For frictionless and mutually productive interaction between Facebook and the businesses that make use of its advertisement platform, there is a need for an impeccable agency relationship. True to this notion, Facebook has, in the recent past made bold steps in establishing a sound marketing agency. Therefore, a well-defined agency relationship exists between Facebook and other businesses.

As if in defiance to trends with numerous ad tech entities that are working to get around marketing agencies, Facebook is doing the exact opposite of investing in the agencies. As a case and point, Facebook has increased the headcount of its international marketing agency department to 20 persons while the local agency has seen a boost from 30 staff members to 100. Facebook aims to increase its revenue from marketing agencies as well as improve on the ways and means of their advertising campaign (Bargely, 2002).


Social media is an indispensable marketing platform for any business with a goal to succeed. Hiring proficient marketing managers is similarly paramount. Furthermore, the government is a party in the shift to social media for marketing purposes as its legislative, executive, and judicial roles serve as a backbone of the industry. In conclusion, there is a need for corporations to invest in agency relationships.


Bagley, C. E. (2002). Managers and the legal environment: strategies for the 21st century (4th Ed.). Cincinnati, Ohio: West/Thomson Learning.

Bagley, C. E. (2013). Managers and the legal environment. (7th Ed.). Mason,OH: Southwestern Cengage Learning.

Evans, D. (2008). Social media marketing an hour a day.(1st Ed.).Indianapolis, Ind.: Wiley.

Keillor, B. D. (2013). Understanding the global market: navigating the international business environment. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger.

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