Systems Leadership in Organizations

Systems leadership provides the best models to understand the behavior and culture in organizations. The approach provides the best tools to promote organizational performance. Some of the tools used to promote organizational gains include proper behavior, symbols and systems. These tools result in the best organizational frameworks and promote organizational success (Heneman & Judge, 2002). The role of systems leadership is to explore and shape the behavior of organizations towards realizing its purpose. Proper understanding of organization’s systems is important towards generating cultural change and new mythologies.

Systems leadership is comprised of different components and steps. These components include cohesiveness, organizational culture, and behavior. Systems leadership provides organizations with the best ideas and basis through which social, commercial and technical processes are applied to promote organizational structure (MacDonald & Burke, 2006). The steps of systems leadership highlight the best approaches applicable in managing health care organizations. In the health care sector, systems leadership focuses on human processes to make the organizations effective. These components and steps are relevant because they ensure the improvement of public health system to provide quality services to the people.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Systems Leadership

The application of systems leadership is advantageous within public health system. Proper leadership in public health promotes positive performance and cohesion in different work groups. Leadership in the sector promotes core values including honesty, love, trust, dignity, and courage. Systems leaders in public care promote culture and organizational behavior (MacDonald & Burke, 2006). This is capable of promoting core values thereby improving service delivery. Proper systems leadership in public health promotes the best activities therefore helping to achieve the purpose and goals of the organization. Systems leadership is helpful because it brings people together towards a common goal.

The other advantage of leadership is the ability to maintain and form organizational structures. Systems leadership engages the humans to be creative and willing to achieve the goals of the organization (Scutchfield & Mays, 2009). The process of leadership promotes good governance in the public health based on human values and productivity. Through systems leadership, different health care and public sectors have succeeded in their activities. The other advantage of systems leadership is that it creates humane organizations thereby improving the objectives and conditions of the humans.

As discussed above, systems leadership is an effective model that assists organizations to promote culture and proper behavior. The model provides approaches to understand the best leadership tools and build organizations capable of achieving their potential. Systems leadership is therefore advantageous for public health system (Scutchfield & Mays, 2009). The disadvantage of systems leadership is that it can present new changes and structures in the organizations. These changes might reduce human efforts and make it hard to realize the anticipated goals in the organization.

Achieving Change through Systems Leadership

The use of systems leadership helps to achieve organizational change. Leadership leads to a new culture and social interactions thereby promoting productivity. Proper systems leadership can bring about a decisive role thereby shaping the organizational culture. This also provides the best insights to leaders thus making it possible for organizations to realize their potential and goals (Heneman & Judge, 2002). In the public health system, it is possible to achieve an organizational change and realize the objectives in an organization. Through systems leadership, managers in public health system can achieve change thereby promote service delivery in the sector. In conclusion, systems leadership is advantageous because it provides organizations in the public health system with the best incentives to achieve their goals.


Heneman, H. & Judge, T. (2002). Staffing Organizations. New York: McGraw Hill.

MacDonald, I. & Burke, C. (2006). Systems Leadership: Creating Positive Organizations. New York: Ashgate Publishing.

Scutchfield, D. & Mays, G. (2009). Principles of Public Health Practice. Cengage: Cengage Learning.

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