Talent Management and Acquisition


In the modern world, human capital is the most valued asset in any company or business. Due to this aspect, talent management has also become a sort after strategy to improve employee work quality. Proper talent management skills ensure that the right people are interested in the company and bring new talents and skills that will be helpful to the company (Ulrich, 2019). Making a positive impact on the organization’s performance is one of the significant needs for talent acquisition and talent management. However, acquiring and identifying talent has become a challenging task over the years, and many companies struggle to find the right skills to fill their positions. The workforces around the world have increased and become more diverse and educated, and it is for this reason, finding talent has become almost impossible (Collings, Mellahi and Cascio, 2018). Therefore, for a company to improve its competitive ability in the global market, it must invest in talent management. Brenda Zalzman shares concepts within the talent management agenda, and analyzing these concepts is crucial.


Within the talent management plan presented by Zalzman, several interdependent factors align to a similar goal. To get the best business guru, digital marketing skills need to be shown by the employee. The world is fast moving towards the digital marketing platform, and the new line of employees needs to be tech-savvy to ensure that they effectively promote digital marketing. The STAR interview methodology has also been proven to produce some of the best and well-equipped employees. The Evaluation of employees through the situation, task, action, and result procedures help to gain exceptional candidates for the job (Society for Human Resource Management, 2016). The assessor can determine the most experienced candidate to narrow down to from the STAR methodology, and experience is vital (Haziazi, 2021). Effective use of the STAR methodology also necessitates the acquisition of a talent pool. Getting the most talented candidates for the job position is what any HR would require.

The success of the company entirely depends on the talent pool obtained for the new positions. The talent pool is then put through a pipeline creation process. Creating pipelines offers a good line of work efficient protocol. Getting an exceptional collection of daring, self-aware, anti-fragile personalities and goal-oriented employees is the goal of the talent management process. Employees that have the think out-of-the-box mindsets bring new talent bases to the company (Kambil, 2021). Team players and needed since the new workplaces require teamwork to achieve meaningful results. Therefore the success of the company is clearly dependent on the creation of these pipelines.

The recruitment process determines the nature of candidates that are taken for the positions advertised. Zalzman offers the best concepts to ensure that the recruitment process does not fail. The company needs to hunt for the best candidates that exist (Society for Human Resource Management, 2016). Looking for business gurus will require the advertisement process to search for individuals who are good in business and have good digital marketing skills. The HR needs to identify and separate the active and the passive candidates (Mandawker, 2021). As discussed earlier, the STAR interview methodology is the best practice required for this purpose. It is significant to ensure that the candidates obtained are the best professionals in the market and will bring with them a new cluster of talents and business skills.

HR Manager Implementations

Creating Pipelines

As an HR manager, the concept of creating pipelines would be one of the best strategies to implement. The future is in creating channels, and the best use of these strategies has a considerable advantage in talent management in the company. There are certain mindsets for the future talent growth of the company that can be obtained through embracing the pipeline concept. Candidates for job positions need to display unique characteristics that set them apart from other candidates. These traits need to be fundamental in the company’s success and are to be assessed by the HR manager (Griffith, Baur and Buckley, 2019). Candidates are expected to have a continuous improvement mindset that will set them apart from the others. Growth and development are the main agendas of any company, and if an employee shares in this idea of the company, this is an asset. Employees must align with the objectives and mission of the company. Their actions should be inclined towards achieving personal and general company goals.

Qualities such as a daring employee, anti-fragile personality, self-aware and ready to learn and grow traits are the best for creating pipelines. Employees need to show a need to want to learn more and increase their proficiency (Mensah, 2019). Having a solid personality creates a good working environment for the other employees. Daring to achieve the best is a quality that would ensure the growth and success of the company. Candidates that have the out-of-the-box mentality bring new talents to the company (Mensah, 2019). These qualities, coupled with the candidates’ teamwork capability, could result in the company’s success. These employees represent the future talents of the workforce that every HR manager is sorting out for in the employee market.

Employment Branding

Companies need to apply the strategy of employment branding to ensure that they get the best employees. Talent Acquisition will be made a successful process if employment branding is utilized. In advertising for the position, the advertisement must catch and attract all qualified candidates’ attention (Alashmawy and Yazdanifard, 2019). Having the best employee value proposition ensures that the target candidates relate to the job position. Ensuring that the company’s goals are translated into the contents of the advertisement is also essential (Whysall, Owtram and Brittain, 2019). Social media has become a helpful talent acquisition tool and should be utilized to total capacity. The talent acquisition process should become as accurate as possible to ensure that candidates apply for the right reasons and enjoy their work.

Conclusion: Key Learnings/Takeaways

Every company must realize that talent acquisition and talent management are crucial tools in obtaining the best employees. The world has seen a robust increase in the labor market, and human capital is the most valuable asset that a company can have to achieve great success. Investing in human capital helps the company get the best talents that it can get to ensure that the workforce is capable and productive. Companies, therefore, ensure that they get the best talents in the market from advertisement strategies, recruitment strategies, and employer branding tactics (Whysall, Owtram and Brittain, 2019). From the talent management agenda concepts presented by Zalzman, it is significant to note that the need for a talented workforce is on the rise. Therefore, each company must develop the right strategies to ensure that their hunt for the best candidates is efficient. After the acquisition of these talents, thinning them to get the right candidate should also be an essential process. Human resource managers need to practice patience and focus on ensuring that the recruitment process is thorough and effective.

Reference List

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Whysall, Z., Owtram, M. and Brittain, S. (2019) ‘The new talent management challenges of Industry 4.0’, Journal of Management Development, 38(2), pp. 118-129.

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