Social Organizational Change in Case of IMV Imaging

Introduction to Social and Organizational Change

Transformation arises in response to national and global events, the physical surroundings, and how organizations are designed and execute transactions within the universe and beyond. BCF Technology merged with Echo Control Medical (ECM), which later saw an acquisition by IMV Technology, creating IMV Imaging. As such, there was an institutional change since the employees were to operate under new management. Organizations must be conscious of their comprehensive character and how their individuals communicate. People and institutions have been compelled to view the broad picture and be conscious of how circumstances influence them and, conversely due to the extraordinary quantity of change.

BFC Technology underwent continuous improvement change due to a lengthy process of continuously improving procedures, goods, and services. BCF chose to acquire IMV Technology, a French-based company specializing in animals and people artificial insemination innovations. Unlike organizational change, constant improvement progresses and tries to make little cumulative progress over time (Ringen & Schulte, 2017). The board of directors of BFC desired to assure market growth, worldwide progression, and corporate effectiveness. Therefore, the lifelong improvement projects of BFC Technology were integrated into a broader change management strategy by IMV Imaging acquisition. Continuous improvement, in essence, seeks to alter and enhance company processes to maximize productivity and eliminate costs (Ringen & Schulte, 2017). The executive committee of BFC Technology recognized that without backing a more prominent global strategy (IMV Imaging), and investment in their people and resources, their industry position would deteriorate, resulting in catastrophic implications for all workers.

The Psychology of Change Management

At the most basic level, businesses act directly to accomplish goals without requiring employees to modify their work habits; an example would be disentangling poorly performing assets and concentrating on core assets. At a higher degree of sophistication, personnel may be required to adapt existing methods or embrace new ones to meet a new bottom-line objective (Al-Ali et al., 2017). A lean firm that is already lean may push its employees to seek new methods to cut waste. A corporation devoted to innovation might establish partnerships with scholars to facilitate the efficiency of concepts in the corporation and hence the movement of new goods to market.

The Four Criteria for Reprogramming Employees’ Thinking

Personnel will modify their perspectives only if they understand why the reform is needed. Accompanying mechanisms, such as incentive and appraisal systems, must be adjusted to accommodate the new behavior. Individuals must possess the necessary expertise and be convinced by their executives, who they observe genuinely practicing it (Al-Ali et al., 2017). Each of these elements is fulfilled alone; when combined, they create a method for influencing people’s behavior in organizations by altering their ideas about what may and should transpire at the workplace.

A Reason to Believe

Leon Festinger developed his idea of psychological dissonance, the uncomfortable mental condition when individuals discover their beliefs contradict their behavior. Festinger discovered a deep-seated desire in his participants to reduce incongruence by altering their behaviors or thoughts (Al-Ali et al., 2017). The conclusion for a company is that if its employees believe in the institution’s general goal, they will gladly adjust their specific behaviors to further that mission and will experience mental dissonance if they do not. However, to gain confidence in transformation and be enthusiastic about it, individuals must know their role in the unfolding drama of the industry’s prospects and trust that their participation is valuable. Therefore, it is insufficient to communicate to workers that they would be required to do tasks differently. Anyone managing a significant change initiative must consider its narrative (Al-Ali et al., 2017). That is, what makes it worthwhile to communicate that perspective to all of the people who made it materialize so that their actions can sound right?

Mechanisms of Encouragement

Scientists are concerned about what inspires individuals in companies who adopted Skinner’s programming and positive reinforcement ideas. Corporate architects generally believe that reporting systems, planning, and strategic operations, and assessment methods such as setting objectives, evaluating performance, and awarding financial and non-monetary awards must be compatible with the conduct expected of employees. When a firm’s conduct objectives are not emphasized, individuals are less likely to embrace them continuously. For example, if supervisors are asked to invest additional time in coaching younger staff but mentoring does not factor into their performance evaluations, they are unlikely to worry.

According to Skinner, positive-reinforcement circuits have a long-lasting effect: once constructed, they may be left alone. On the other hand, Skinner’s rats were exhausted from corn and started to disregard the electrical stimulation over time (Aslam et al., 2018). Similar phenomena frequently inhibit companies from retaining improved performance: the structures and procedures that initially reward or shape the new behavior do not ensure its persistence. They must be accompanied by modifications that promote the other three requirements for mindset transformation.

The Abilities Necessary for Transformation

Numerous change initiatives make the mistake of imploring people to react differently without educating them on adjusting broad directions to their unique circumstances. For instance, the firm may push people to be customer-centric. Still, if it has historically paid close attention to consumers, they will not know how to understand this philosophy or envision a reasonable conclusion. Moreover, Kolb demonstrated adults could not learn only by receiving input; they must also assimilate additional knowledge, apply it practically, and incorporate it with their prior knowledge (Aslam et al., 2018). In reality, this implies that one cannot teach a whole topic in a single session.

Reliable Mentors

People in every company replicate their conduct after significant others: those in leadership positions. Individuals in various tasks or echelons of a business pick distinct mentors, such as a managing member, a labor union leader, or the highest-earning salesperson. It is not enough to alter behavior often throughout a company to guarantee that those at the top management are comfortable with the new work practices. While role models’ approaches to their work may differ, the fundamental beliefs that guide their actions must be persistent. For example, one corporate executive would train junior staff to detect an excellent new initiative in a firm that fosters entrepreneurial strategic planning at all levels, while another might leave it up to them.

Application of Psychology Theory to IMV Imaging

The psychology of change management discussed above can be applied in the case of IMV Imaging, as discussed herein. First, through a dialogue-based strategy, executives at all IMV Imaging enterprise levels would deliberate from the same hymn sheet with the employees. Their brainstorming discussions should be of high-profile engagements at which they should be demonstrating the new style of attitude the company desire from its employees. Before the takeover, BCF Technology personnel were content and comfortable in their jobs, which resulted in their strong performance and commitment. Therefore, IMV Imaging supervisors should strive to ensure that the employees are engaged in the company’s running as it will help change their behavior due to the executives’ passion.

Persuading the BFC Technology employees who feel that the change is affecting them negatively that, while the change would take time and effort, their commitment to enhancing the lives of everyone associated with IMV Imaging was genuine. By doing this, both individuals and staff would be connected, delighted, and realize that when they express an opinion, it would be and, in some cases, executed; in others, it would be clarified. As a result, the company’s production would be increased, turnover reduced, and a genuine sense of teamwork will be developed. Second, IMV Imaging could introduce various skills to enable an effective change process using the psychology theory. BFC Technology organized employee motivational initiatives regularly, including organized sports days, bicycle competitions, and social gatherings.

When it was reported that BFC Technology had been acquired, their personnel began noticing minor changes that distanced them from the leadership staff, a team they could formerly turn to for assistance with anything. As a result, IMV Imaging implemented practices and systems they were not accustomed to. Moreover, permission degrees were incorporated into the decision-making mechanism, causing some workers to feel devalued and untrustworthy. As such, the workers found it extremely difficult coping with the new management. IMV Imaging, therefore, can adopt Lewin’s model of change to foster effective organizational change.

A philosopher and investigator, Kurt Lewin, stated that sustainable transformation in an institution should occur in three stages: unfreezing, mobility, and defrosting. First, the equilibrium point can be unfrozen using the mechanisms throughout the unfreezing operation (Burnes, 2020). Then, the driving factors that influence behavior in directions other than the established order can be intensified. The barriers that prevent movement away from the current stability can be reduced. Managers may also employ a mixture of the two. The second phase of the process is mobility, which is when the change is implemented. The last phase involves encouraging and supporting newly chosen attitudes and procedures to become ingrained in workers’ everyday activities.

Lastly, providing abilities necessary for individual and team change, as proposed by the psychology theory, would prove worthwhile for IMV Imaging. Turkman’s five-stage model highlights essential steps necessary for team development, thus improving organizational productivity (Kiweewa et al., 2018). He coined the terms assembling, storming, norming, delivering, and reconvening to describe the phases. The shaping step entails an introductory and familiarization session. Confusion is prevalent throughout this era, and individuals want guidance and direction. A participant who demonstrates control or is experienced may be considered for the position of leader. Under this phase, the IMV Imaging executive should clarify to BFC Technology employees what their expectations are to avoid unnecessary confusion and improve team performance.

Storming is the riskiest and essential stage to navigate as it is a time of conflict, competitiveness, and distinct personalities develop. Group effectiveness may deteriorate at this moment as attention is diverted to inefficient pursuits (Kiweewa et al., 2018). Individuals may dispute team objectives, and factions and social circles may emerge around charismatic individuals or zones of consensus. For example, BFC Technology employees are dissatisfied with the acquisition by IMV Imaging, and issues of worker arrest led to reduced productivity. For IMV Imaging to progress through this level, partners must cooperate to overcome hurdles, acknowledge dissimilarities, and resolve opposing ideas about team responsibilities and objectives. When teams successfully navigate the storming level, disagreement is overcome, and a sense of oneness arises.

During the norming phase, understanding emerges around the head or managers’ identity and specific individuals’ duties. Conflicts between individuals begin to dissolve, and a spirit of coherence and oneness arises. Team effectiveness improves during this period as members start to collaborate and reflect on the team’s objectives. The cohesion level, though, is fragile, and if tensions resurface, the team may revert to storming (Kiweewa et al., 2018). Nevertheless, agreement and coordination have been created, and the group is competent, structured, and well-functioning at this juncture. A distinct and solid framework is in place, and individuals are dedicated to the team’s objective.

While issues and disagreements continue to arise, they are resolved appropriately. The majority of the group’s objectives were completed during the exhaustion stage. The priority is on completing concluding activities and recording the commitment and outcomes. Specific individuals may be shifted to other groups as their burden decreases, and the unit may disintegrate. As the team comes to an end, there may be regret, and formal recognition of the team’s labor and achievement might be beneficial.

Change Management Approach

Managing change is a systematic procedure to the transitional stage or transforming corporate objectives, fundamental values, operations, or technology. Each organizational transformation program has as its objective the successful implementation of approaches and practices for enacting change and assisting people in accepting and adapting to alterations. As corporate changes occur regularly in dynamic environments, transitional management and change coordination teams have developed into essential evaluation accelerators for many businesses. Under this section, I will be discussing Kotter’s change management theory that would describe the BFC Technology acquisition by IMV Imaging.

Kotter’s Change Management Theory

Kotter’s change theoretical framework is one of the most widely used and embraced in the world. His transformation management approach is organized into eight distinct phases, concentrating on a different essential factor linked with how individuals respond to change (Rajan & Ganesan, 21017). The eight phases will be analyzed herein in response to the acquisition of BFC Technology by IMV Technology, formed IMV Imaging. Kotter’s eight-step theory model is elaborated below. First, establishing a sense of urgency entails instilling a feeling of urgency in individuals to push them toward goals (Rajan & Ganesan, 21017). By IMV Imaging, creating eagerness about the necessity of change may assist them in generating the first motivation necessary to get things moving.

Second, forming a viable alliance would persuade others that change is required. Frequently, this requires strong management and apparent backing from essential members of the business. Because implementing change is insufficient, administrators must take the initiative to embrace it. Executives can identify successful change agents throughout their firm and hence do not adhere to the typical corporate hierarchy (Rajan & Ganesan, 21017). To effect change, IMV Imaging directors must assemble a partnership, or group, of influential individuals whose influence stems from many viewpoints, including job title, rank, knowledge, and political clout.

Third, Kotter stipulates that developing a change mindset by first considering change will lead to many excellent suggestions and answers floating about. Therefore, connecting these notions to a broader vision enables employees to comprehend and recall instructions readily (Rajan & Ganesan, 21017). A coherent understanding can assist everyone in comprehending why directors have requested that they do an operation. When individuals realize what they are attempting to do, the instructions they are presented with make greater sense. Fourth, Kotter enumerates the importance of conveying the mission since managers’ performance is measured by what they do with their strategy after establishing it (Rajan & Ganesan, 21017). Their statement will almost certainly face intense competition from other internal coordination, so IMV Imaging must articulate it regularly and aggressively and integrate it into all they do.

Fifth, in Kotter’s change management approach, eliminating impediments indicates that if the administration has followed initial steps and reached this stage of the organizational change, they have communicated their aspiration across the institution. Ideally, IMV Imaging staff would be motivated to get involved and understand the advantages their administrators have been publicizing. Sixth, establishing short-term objectives and not a single long-term objective must be accomplished with limited opportunity for error. While the implementation team may have to work extremely hard to develop these milestones, each victory might inspire the entire workforce.

The seventh phase focuses on constructing the change, and according to Kotter, many transformational initiatives fail because triumph is announced prematurely. The actual change is cumulative, and quick wins are the tip of the iceberg regarding what must be done to accomplish the long-term transformation. Finally, in establishing a foundation for institutional culture alterations, change must become ingrained in the organization’s culture to be sustainable (Rajan & Ganesan, 21017). Because business culture frequently dictates what gets accomplished, the principles underlying a firm’s vision must manifest in day-to-day tasks. IMV Imaging should continuously seek to maintain that the transformation is visible in all facets of the organization; thus, this will assist in cementing the change’s position in the organization’s strategy.

Strengths and Weakness of Kotter’s Change Management Theory


Kotter’s model is a simple step-by-step framework that offers a concise definition and instruction for the complete transition initiative and is very simple to apply. Therefore, this model can be used to manage change within an organization. In the case of IMV Imaging, their change process seems not to be welcomed by BFC Technology employees as they feel the new management is demanding. For instance, there is a perception among BFC Technology workers that the work burden is escalating continuously, consistent with IMV Technologies, the parent firm, requiring extra accounting information across all company operations. Using Kotter’s model, IMV’s Imaging board of directors can learn the effectiveness of communicating their change process to their employees. Additionally, the concentration is on the personnel’s engagement and acceptance to ensure the framework’s effectiveness (Galli, 2018). Laborers’ involvement in the management change process is a methodology by organizations to reduce transformation resistance. Therefore, IMV Imaging could engage BFC Technology employees by inquiring about their grievances to reduce rebellion and promote productivity.


Due to the model’s sequential nature, omitting even a single phase could result in catastrophic consequences. Thus, in circumstances where IMV Imaging skips one of the steps, the aftermath may be highly consequential. Moreover, the model is fundamentally top-down and actively discourages involvement and co-creation. Therefore, it can result in employee irritation and unhappiness if specific criteria are not met (Galli, 2018). Therefore, this creates personnel resistance to the proposed change. For instance, this may be the case of IMV Imaging, where BFC Technology employees have been raising complaints about the management with a statement such as, “I do not feel appreciated by my supervisor.”


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Aslam, U., Muqadas, F., Imran, M. K., & Saboor, A. (2018). Emerging organizational parameters and their roles in the implementation of organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 31(5), 1084-1104.

Burnes, B. (2020). The origins of Lewin’s three-step model of change. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56(1), 32-59.

Galli, B. J. (2018). Change management models: A comparative analysis and concerns. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 46(3), 124-132.

Kiweewa, J. M., Gilbride, D., Luke, M., & Clingerman, T. (2018). Tracking growth factors in experiential training groups through Tuckman’s conceptual model. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 43(3), 274-296.

Rajan, R., & Ganesan, R. (2017). A critical analysis of John P. Kotter’s change management framework. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, 7(7), 181-203.

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