Tattoos Are Inappropriate in the Workplace


In modern society, tattoos have become a common fashion among people. Fans of tattoos consider them as a way of expressing their beliefs, values, principles, norms, traditions, and experiences. Despite their dominance and the existence of freedom of expression, tattoos are not appropriate in the workplace for several reasons. The first reason is that tattoos distort the corporate image of organizations by allowing employees to express their interests. The second reason is that tattoos demean the professional image of employees by associating them with negative behaviors, characters, and personalities. The third reason is that tattoos have negative social branding because they create anti-social behaviors, which have negative impacts on employees and organizations.


Getting a tattoo has become a common phenomenon in the current society because people consider it a fashion. Given that tattoo is an art, people get different types of tattoos, depending on their meanings, situations, beliefs, values, and principles. In this view, tattoos offer people a way of expressing their interests in society. Despite the existence of freedom of expression, tattoos in the workplace are inappropriate because organizations have rules and regulations, which limit the freedom of expression among employees. Therefore, the thesis statement is that tattoos are inappropriate in the workplace because they distort the corporate image, demean the professional image of employees, and have negative social branding.

Supporting Views

Tattoos in the workplace are not appropriate because they distort the corporate image. Organizations strive to provide an appealing image to their customers and business partners from diverse social, cultural, and economic backgrounds. To appeal to these customers and business partners, organizations adopt rules and regulations, which ensure that they portray a corporate image. Owing to the diversity that exists in the workplace, organizations ensure that corporate image overrides individual interests by coming up with a dress code, which excludes tattoos. In this view, tattoos are not appropriate in the workplace because they distort the corporate image by allowing employees to express their interests at the expense of the organizational interests.

In addition to distorting the corporate image, tattoos hurt employees because they demean their professional image. In the workplace, the management expects employees to reflect the interests and aspirations of their respective organizations. However, tattoos demean the professional image because they associate employees with negative behaviors, characters, and personalities, which employers dislike. Since employers champion the interests of organizations, they hire employees, who have the required professional image. In essence, employees must have a professional image that reflects the interests, values, principles, beliefs, and stature of their respective organizations. Thus, tattoos are not appropriate in the workplace since they demean the professional image of employees.

Overall, tattoos have negative social branding in society because their use is associated with social deviants. Since society has norms and traditions that shape morality, in most case, the use of tattoos relate to the aberrant behaviors that affect society. In this view, tattoos have a similar negative impact on the workplace for they create anti-social behaviors, which have destructive effects on organizations and employees. Essentially, tattoos portray employees as rebels, cultists, perverts, and addicts, who have nothing good to offer except furtherance of their beliefs and norms through tattoos. Thus, tattoos are not appropriate in the workplace because they encourage anti-social behaviors that have negative impacts on organizations and employees.


Tattoos are common in modern society because social norms and traditions have become more liberal than decades ago. However, in the workplace, organizations consider the use of tattoos in expression as a violation of their dressing code. Conventionally, organizations require employees to portray a corporate image, professional image and comply with the code of conduct. Hence, the argument of the essay affirms the thesis that tattoos are inappropriate in the workplace because they distort the corporate image, demean the professional image of employees, and have negative social branding.

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