The Institute of Medicine’s 2010 Report


The breadth of the nursing career is evolving dramatically as clinical technology progresses, the aging customer population, the emergence of new transmitted and non-communicable illnesses, and new obstacles introduced by regulatory law (Rekha, 2020). Therefore, it is crucial to realize the role of nurses and medical professionals in providing better healthcare services. As such, this paper aims to review the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendations that are intended to serve as a guide for future improvements in the nursing field and clinical practice delivery.

Significance of the IOM Four Messages to Nursing Practice

The following four messages are aimed to improve the nursing practice.

Nurses should make the most of their education, training, and licensure to the most significant degree possible

The importance of allowing Nurse Practitioners to exercise their professional competencies entirely is the delivery of appropriate, high-quality treatment and ensuring patient safety (Poghosyan et al., 2016). In realizing the above message, nurses’ practice environment must be modified entirely to enable physicians to operate efficiently and to the totality of their schooling, abilities, and competencies, whether in the hospitals or the society.

Nurses should be educated and trained to a higher degree through an enhanced educational system that facilitates academic growth

Clinicians should have more opportunities to effectively manage joint effort collaboration with clinicians and other healthcare professionals to conduct research and improve workspaces and medical systems. Humanity continues to be afflicted by violence and catastrophe on a global scale (Nilsson et al., 2016). Therefore, Nursing Students (NSs) and Registered Nurses (RNs) are recognized as critical players in response to violence, catastrophic events, and tragedies. As such, Nilsson et al (2016) suggest that training courses for Registered Nurses (RNs) at hospitals are beneficial in increasing RNs’ knowledge of disaster response.

Together with clinicians and other healthcare providers, nurses should partner fully in restructuring the United States of America’s health care system

Nurses should be supported in completing a change program after completing practice before licensure or moving into new areas of clinical practice. In addition, it is vital for policymakers and medical professionals to partner to enhance the standard of care their patients receive. For instance, the application of electronic health has assisted physicians in eliminating redundancy of expenditures, and other cost-cutting measures resulting in a decrease in the cost of medical care are some of the benefits.

Better data gathering and information infrastructure are required for effective strategy formulation and politics

For example, the IOM proposed an increment in the proportion of nurses in the medical profession in the United States. Yeager and Wisniewski (2017) suggest that flexible work plans and schedules are characteristics that governmental population safety organizations might incorporate into roles and emphasize hiring from health care, private business, and academia. Leaders in public health may also think about methods to extend perks, such as ongoing education, and promote these opportunities in job postings, and programs in nursing.

Influence of IOM on Education and Nursing Leadership

Leadership stands out as a critical managerial talent for the nurses’ profession. More so is in the present-day environment of recurrent overpopulation and bed shortages, a scarcity of physical resources, and inadequate staffing. As a managerial competency, leadership directly impacts nurses’ professional satisfaction to create a safe working atmosphere that fosters the career and supports care management. Because leadership is a critical care component strategy implementation, competent experts must accomplish quality promotion of care goals. Additionally, they should prioritize work efficacy, management of people, and the supply of necessary resources, both physical and material (Ferreira et al., 2020).

Importance of Evolution of Education and Role of the Nurse to Meet the Needs of an Aging and Diverse Population

Education’s evolution has changed how nurses and other medical professionals carry out their daily activities. The development of education has had a more significant impact on nursing practices. Nurses have understood the aging process and the demands of the elderly population to promote healthy aging while maintaining an individual’s dignity and identity. They need to comprehend older adults’ varying health and care preferences. The roles of the nurses in meeting the needs of the aging population may include the following: first, encouraging and displaying a positive attitude toward aging, which includes respect for and empathy for older adults. Secondly, understanding the aged care system and aged care services, including acute, society-based, and lengthy care for older persons and their families.

The significance of professional development and its relevance in caring for diverse populations

Professional development in nursing practice keeps nurses current on the latest techniques, technology, and evidence to offer patients the best care possible. Additionally, it promotes professional promotion and leadership development for nurses seeking to assume more responsibilities. For instance, nurses can access healthcare information and enhance data accessibility through Electronic Health Records (EHRs). EHRs can solve a variety of well-established safety concerns by utilizing data that is currently frequently documented. For example, they can detect individuals at risk of falling through reminders triggered by their age and other risk indicators, such as the presence of psychiatric medicines (Russo et al., 2016).

Effectiveness of Nurses Managing Patient Care Within an Evolving Health Care System

With the ever-evolving healthcare system coupled with various challenges and new developments, nurses and physicians can use the following tactics to manage patient care more effectively and achieve better treatment outcomes. First, determine which populations have modifiable threats or risks – those risks that individual controls include tobacco use, obesity, nutritional issues such as a non-vegetarian diet, and pollutants (Midha et al., 2016). Secondly, design care management services to meet the population’s needs. This strategy is effective because it creates a strong relationship bond between the patient and the care provider.


Ferreira, V. B., Amestoy, S. C., Silva, G. T. R. D., Trindade, L. D. L., Santos, I. A. R. D., & Varanda, P. A. G. (2020). Transformational leadership in nursing practice: Challenges and strategies. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 73(6). Web.

Krupic, F., Sköldenberg, O., Samuelsson, K., & Eisler, T. (2018). Nurses’ experience of patient care in multi-bed hospital rooms: Results from in-depth interviews with nurses after further education in anesthesia. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 33(1), 78-86. Web.

Midha, S., Chawla, S., & Garg, P. K. (2016). Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for pancreatic cancer: A review. Cancer Letters, 381(1), 269-277.

Nilsson, J., Johansson, E., Carlsson, M., Florin, J., Leksell, J., Lepp, M., Lindholm, C., Nordström, G., Theander, K., Wilde-Larsson, B., & Gardulf, A. (2016). Disaster nursing: Self-reported competence of nursing students and registered nurses, with focus on their readiness to manage violence, serious events and disasters. Nurse Education in Practice, 17, 102–108. Web.

Poghosyan, L., Boyd, D. R., & Clarke, S. P. (2016). Optimizing full scope of practice for nurse practitioners in primary care: A proposed conceptual model. Nursing Outlook, 64(2), 146-155. Web.

Rekha, S. G. (2020). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. IP Journal of Paediatrics and Nursing Science, 3(3), 60-63. Web.

Russo, E., Sittig, D. F., Murphy, D. R., & Singh, H. (2016). Challenges in patient safety improvement research in the era of electronic health records. In Healthcare (Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 285-290). Elsevier. Web.

Yeager, V. A., & Wisniewski, J. M. (2017). Factors that influence the recruitment and retention of nurses in public health agencies. Public Health Reports, 132(5), 556-562. Web.

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