Utilization of Resources in Health Care System in the Long-Term Home

Various individuals use health care resources differently. For instance, they are used to heal illness and health situation, to restore breaks and tears, put off or interrupt future health care issues, lessen pain and enhance superiority of life, as well as providing relevant information to people concerning their status health- wise and diagnosis. Utilization of health care resources can both be proper or improper, of high quality or low, as well as costly or low-priced. Movements in utilization of resources in health care systems can be employed as the root for foretelling future health care needs, predict future health care expenses or as the foundation for foretelling increased workers training or supply programs (Vernimmen, Dallocchio & Salvi, 2009).

The rate at which the resources are utilized is a significant indicator of what universal type of care particular people need, as well as they show how the resources may be changing from one location to another.

As a manager of a clinical department, most of the funding given will be allocated to the emergency department, improve the health care delivery services for the aging population, as well as expanding the out patient services. For instance, it is noted that a considerable number of people of all ages pay a visit to the hospital outpatient departments to get protective and screening services, analysis, treatment, counseling services medically, among other relevant services. This shows the importance of expanding the outpatient department through the provision of relevant tools and equipment to the department in order to be in position to meet the various needs of different patients visiting each day.

Some of the funds will be used to acquire screening tools, drugs and tablets, building counseling offices for privacy purposes, as well as buying hospital vehicles for ambulatory services. In order to meet the health care needs of the aging population, it is necessary that adequate financial resources are allocated to the home care department. This is because an aging population requires special care and in most cases, such people prefer staying in an environment that they are familiar to together with the people they know well. As a result, more financial resources are needed in order to meet such needs successfully.

Furthermore, more funds need to be allocated to the emergency department in order to acquire the relevant services desirable to deal with patients who need urgent attention. For instance, first aid tools and equipments, as well drugs should be put in place so that in case of any occurrence, the healthy providers will find it easier to handle the situation. These are some of the departments that the resources would be allocated to in order to help improve the health care within the health center using the provided funds (Williams, 2002). The project that would be undertaken involves the utilization of health care resources in terms of health, nutrition and population.

The main aim of the project is to motivate the adoption of an economic perception on the issue of selecting the best set of programs that can be afforded from an inadequate national health care financial plan (Wade, 2008). This project proposes utilizing healthcare resources subject to a budget restraint that demonstrates grading programs depending on their cost efficiency ratio. Programs of high quality with low costs will therefore be considered compared to those of high costs.


Vernimmen, P. M., Dallocchio, Y. & Salvi, A. (2009). Corporate finance. 2 ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Wade, M. (2008). Health care resource management: Present and future challenges. Michigan: University of Michigan.

Williams, S. W. (2002). Making better business decisions: Understanding and improving critical thinking and problem solving skills. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

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