Developing Skills for Business Leadership


The current module has remained valuable to me since I have developed several skills that will help me study the rest of the module and manage a business in the near future. The module also prepared me with the necessary postgraduate skills and a firm level of IT expertise. Even though the skills were suitably achieved through the module, further development is required for some areas.

One of the first steps I took for project management was identifying the stakeholders. I did it by categorizing those who are directly influenced by the project and those who may be indirectly affected. Some of the stakeholders that were directly impacted by the project were the project team members. After I identified the stakeholders, the next step was to establish a collaborative relationship with them. I attained this by involving all the stakeholders in the project. Sometimes I even asked for their advice about the problem. I also created scheduled sessions for the management and the stakeholders, which made the relationship stronger.

Learning Outcomes

There were problems associated with the organization that needed to be tackled. Some of these problems included financial and IT challenges. However, I managed the issues with the appropriate skills explained below.

Self-Management Skills

Self-management is a significant part of any prosperous person in the business. It also mandates how one interacts with other persons in the workplace (Gallagher, 2013, p. 26). An operative manager is one who is capable of managing their actions before managing others.

Level of Skills

The personal level of self-managing acquired through the model was mostly in the part of time management. I was capable of efficiently planning activities centered on the time presented, with the key tool being a personal timetable. The unit was also significant in the managing of tension, where relaxation skills were learned. The essential skill in self-management that I understood is the individual evaluation of performance, and the module delivered new means for this evaluation. Some of these approaches include personal reflections and responses from coworkers.

Further Development

Despite the many abilities collected in self-management, there is still a need for further development in every phase of self-management. The area that needs the most effort is the method of evaluating personal performance. Further improvement of these skills will require personal devotion and time.

Inter-Personal Relationships

Interpersonal relationships are significant in management because they determine organizational values and business success (Lengnick-Hall, Beck and Lengnick-Hall, 2011, p. 244). A leader ought to be prepared with top skills in inter-personal relationships. All through the unit, considerable skills were studied in the management of interpersonal relationships, as argued below.

Level of Skills

The module certified me to participate in group work, and teamwork was stressed. It is by partaking in group work that the skills of inter-personal relations were learned. Leaders should inspire their employees to join in teamwork for improved performance. Moreover, the module also provided skills in communication that are an important part of an organization. Some of the abilities in interpersonal communication include the advancement of problem-solving skills while in a teamwork situation.

Further Development

Many of the skills that I acquired from inter-personal relations are applicable in the future managing of organizations. Nonetheless, some parts in inter-personal development ought to be reexamined for further development. Some of these areas include the ability to develop and give a business presentation. There is the necessity for improvement of courage in the presentation course since this phase is a crucial part of inter-personal relationships.

Leading and Influencing

Leadership is an essential part of any business because it shapes the choices made and the ultimate performance. The leader must impact staff in an organization whereas convincing them to work to aim the business’s policies and objectives. The module similarly offered essential skills in leading and influencing people.

Level of Skills

The skills of leadership and influencing individuals in a managerial situation were efficiently learned in the unit. I led a group of other persons, with most of them giving a positive response to advanced leadership skills. The leadership place indorsed the collecting of data that was needed in the general triumph of the team. Leadership similarly offered a chance to validate the distinctive talent of some of the people that were given a chance.

Further Development

There is a need for additional development in the leadership talents acquired from the unit, particularly in the approaches used to influence the juniors. Moreover, there is a requirement to partake in more leadership happenings in any organizational development parts, which will prepare me with additional leadership skills.

People Management Skills

The organizational setting entails different individuals with dissimilar personalities and from diverse cultures. Hence, staff and leaders must have sufficient skills to manage the distinct individuals they interrelate with. People management skills prepare one with the essential skills of handling a large organization.

Level of Skills

Some of the skills that were used in people management were mainly in the employee enrollment exercise. They comprise candidate collection, cross-examining, and disciplinary interviewing. I was also able to make a presentation with the response offered, showing that this exercise was effectively complete. The most significant skill that was validated throughout the module is the skill to train other persons.

Further Development

Despite the good skills obtained in people management, there is a need to develop the skills further. The area that needs the most improvement in the management of people is interviewing candidates. Although this skill has been enhanced, there is a need to further develop it since it is essential for any leader.

Interpreting Financial Information

The abilities on how to apprehend financial material are only collected through learning and partaking in the same. A leader must be prepared with the correct skills of understanding financial information. A business’s success is partially defined by how well the individuals accountable for the financial performances can interpret and enunciate the financial data they work with. This module was beneficial in giving the basic skills of financial interpretation.

Level of Skills

Some of the talents gained in the unit include the study of the establishments’ financial information. I was also able to make an active financial strategy, offer a budget, and make sense of other individuals’ financial information. One of the parts that I was permitted to partake in is financial policymaking. The response from other leaders was that this part was efficiently done.

Further Development

Despite the contribution to financial policymaking, some parts were mostly puzzling. It was an individual problem to improve a workable budget. There is a necessity to contribute to more budgetary procedures and familiarize onerself with the practical languages in the budget-making process.

IT Proficiency

In the present communication age, all leaders should be prepared with relevant information technology knowledge. Throughout the unit, there was extensive use of the available IT tools. This experience equipped me with the needed skills. The numerous administrative management procedures that were previously puzzling to managers have been made easy by IT.

Level of Skills

I was able to validate my ability to use numerous information technology devices in management. The tools that helped me in this unit comprise Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. The IT skills also aided me in the management of staff, as they gave easier communication of the policies that were to be trailed.

Further Development

It is essential to further improve the module’s information technology abilities collected. The making of spreadsheets using Microsoft Office was mainly challenging. Hence, there is a need to train for the improvement of this skill.

Problem Solving

The organizational setting is a place where numerous problems may supplement the relations of many persons (Mumford, Campion and Morgeson, 2007, p. 157). The skill to solve these difficulties defines victory in management. This part offers evidence of the skills collected in problem resolving in management.

Level of Skills

Throughout the module, several difficulties appeared. I contributed to resolving some of these problems. This involvement was essential in preparing me with the needed problem-solving skills, including formulating the required plan of solving the difficulties. It similarly involved listening to the troubled dissimilar parties and emerging the changes that ought to be put in place to supervise the provision of agreeable answers to the problems. Another ability I collected in the course of problem-solving involved providing operative consultative solutions. In many cases, when an issue emerged in organizations, I provided solutions that were inclusive of all the parties involved.

Further Development

There were challenges in the difficult solving procedure, resulting in some of the resolved problems not being acceptable. In the groups that I contributed to, most of the issues that arose were connected to the group’s dissimilar personalities. Several of these individuals were difficult to persuade to change their approaches and opinions. Thus, there is a need to implement improved interpersonal skills in a problem-solving procedure.

Postgraduate Study Skills

The module was an illustration of operative postgraduate studies. This module started with the improvement of aims that were to be accomplished at the end. The unit required that the skills mentioned above be gotten. This task needed personal contribution. A substantial success was obvious in attaining the postgraduate abilities that were necessary at the beginning of the module.

Level of Skills

The level of skills acquired throughout the module was acceptable, with one indication being the individual studies’ developed performance. One of the skills that were personally attained is writing essays and reports. Throughout the module, I wrote essays and reports on the development that I was making together with some of the parts I had covered. The most vital skill that I collected was the use of several formats and methods. I also learned how to analyze secondary research. This ability is essential as it allows the student to gain knowledge on numerous business areas. The tests that were in the unit were also a success.

Further Development

One of the parts that need development is exam performance. There is a necessity for training in this part since the presentation may not have been conferring to individual aim. It is also essential to analyze secondary sources of material and partake in secondary research since the secondary research that I carried out was not acceptable.


The module was vital in preparing me with the most basic postgraduate skills. The above considerations show that there was sufficient input to advance individual management skills. Despite the indication of success in developing the different skills required in the unit, there is a need for additional improvement in many areas. To enhance productivity and success in the organization, management should provide room for acquisition and improvement in the above-discussed set of skills.

Reference List

Gallagher, K. (2013). Skills development for business and management students: study and employability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lengnick-Hall, C.A., Beck, T.E. and Lengnick-Hall, M.L. (2011) ‘Developing a capacity for organizational resilience through strategic human resource management’, Human Resource Management Review, 21(3), pp. 243-255. Web.

Mumford, T.V., Campion, M.A. and Morgeson, F.P. (2007) ‘The leadership skills strataplex: leadership skill requirements across organizational levels’, The Leadership Quarterly, 18(2), pp. 154-166. Web.

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