Using the DREC and Wasl properties case, the company must resolve problems arising from noncompliance with all company policies being implemented. WASL and DREC identifies possible internal conflicts and institutes policies to prevent escalation of misunderstanding and conflicts between employees and between departments of the organization. In terms of the organization basic structure and functions, the officers and employees of DREC and Wasl must comply with their reporting duties and responsibilities using the organizational chart. For example, the organizational chart shows that the board of directors monitors WASL Organization. The chief executive officer, Mr. Hesham Al Qassim, reports directly to the board of directors. Culturally, the two companies’ line and staff comply with all relevant company policies. Failure to comply with the company’s policy may result to termination or suspension. The job applicant must posses the minimum educational and work requirements stated for a vacant job position. The heads train, monitor, and guide the new employees to ensure faster learning of the proper job performance. In addition, the applicant must be mentally fit for the vacant position. The company prioritizes the hiring of local United Arab Emirates applicants over the foreign job applicants. The company also hires local residents with special needs to operate a few job responsibilities. Further, the two companies interview applicants in order to determine the applicant’s capacity to implement job responsibilities on time and with quality. The interviews will determine if the job applicant can easily achieve sales performance targets as well as monthly production and sales benchmarks. In addition, the company officers and employees should adhere to the company’s policy of conducting themselves and the business with the highest standards of legal, moral integrity, and ethical standards. Environmentally, the employees must work the safe and comfortable environment. Further, the employees’ work condition should be conducive to inspiring the employees to excel in their job responsibilities. In terms of workflow processes, the work process must comply with the line and staff organizational chart. The subordinate of the facilities management department should not perform the job of a subordinate of the lands asset department. The subordinate of the hospitality department should not perform the job of a subordinate of the property management department. The subordinate of the projects management department should not perform the job of a subordinate of the business development department. Further, the general manager of the property management department should not report to the chief operating officer. The general manager of the property management department should not report to the chief operating officer. The general manager of the lands asset management department should not report to the chief operating officer. Similarly, the general manager of the facilities department should not report to the chief operating officer. In terms of the OB link to processes, the OB link to the processes should be set in motion. For example, the manager cannot hire a new employee without the approval of the human resource officer. The human resource manager should not increase the salary of an employee without the recommendation of the employee’s manager. The manager of the property management department cannot force an employee of the land assets department to perform the job of the property management department’s absent subordinate. Indeed, the officers must motivate its employees by directing them to the best solution to all challenges.