

Theory and Practice of Operating in the Capital Market

Baker and Martin argue that the term capital structure refers to a combination of debt and equity capital that helps managers to achieve their objectives (Baker and Martin 144). First, managers should consider the merits and demerits of both equity and debt capital so that prognoses could be made and...

Forms of Leadership: Transformational Leadership

Numerous forms of leadership exist, and all aim at helping achieve the desired goals of the organization. Some of the leading firms are considered more effective than others. There has been a sharp contrast between the two forms of leadership: transformational and transactional. Transformational leadership is considered as the leadership...

The Recommendations to the Management of the Affected Companies

The ethical analysis conducted on this case reveals that the parties and stakeholders engaged in unethical business practices. Blanchard and Peale’s test confirms that the conduct of Kenneth Branch, Mr. Erskine, and Steve Griffin directly contravenes the law. Mr. Branch’s idea of sharing classified documents belonging to Lockheed Martin for...